Democratic Presidential Contenders Join Calls To Investigate Exxon.
The oil giant stands accused of covering up evidence of fossil fuels' role in climate change.
Two Democratic presidential candidates indicated on Friday they support an investigation of oil giant ExxonMobil for concealing research on fossil fuels contribution to climate change, following a call by two House Democrats for a Justice Department probe into the matter.
We held tobacco companies responsible for lying about cancer. Lets do the same for oil companies & climate change, former Maryland Gov. Martin OMalley (D) tweeted on Friday, linking to an article about the House members' request for an inquiry.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) expressed a similar sentiment on Twitter, but stopped short of explicitly endorsing the inquiry.
#ExxonKnew the truth about fossil fuels and climate change and lied to protect their business model at the expense of the planet, he tweeted.