Martin O'Malley
Related: About this forumO'Malley , Maryland & campaign finance reform.
in this thread, I mentioned that Governor O'Malley is for Public campaign financing.In this post Citizens United world that is a terrible big mountain to overcome. I want to highlight that Maryland under the governor passed a pretty good campaign finance reform bill into law:
Maryland Passes Campaign Finance Reform—Expands Independent Expenditure Disclosures
The final version of the bill is largely unchanged from the initial House-passed version we described previously, meaning that after the 2014 elections, contribution limits will increase, certain business entities will be limited in their giving, pay-to-play reporting will be simplified, and enforcement strengthened.
I post this because the Governor knew that he would no longer be in office, and yet he knew and still does know the problem with too much money in politics.
Here is another link on the subject:
New Maryland Campaign Finance Law

(138,554 posts)It's needed these days.
(11,626 posts)He got things that really made a difference passed into law.
He worked with people on both sides of the aisle and he has a proven record on changing things. In an age where we talk so much about dark money, too much money in politics, and the dreaded Citizens United, seeing a state like Maryland pass this into law is a really big deal.
HERe is a little more about the law that was passed:
Business Entity Contributions. Two or more business entities (i.e., corporations, sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLCs, etc.) that are under common ownership or control will be treated as a single contributor for purposes of the contribution limits, closing a loophole in the current attribution rule, which applies only to corporate entities.
Out-of-state PACs. Nonfederal out-of-state PACs will be subject to Maryland registration and reporting requirements.
Independent Expenditures and Electioneering Communications. New 48-hour registration and reporting requirements will be triggered when individuals or groups make independent expenditures (i.e., communications expressly advocating election or defeat of a candidate or ballot measure) or disbursements for electioneering communications. Donor disclosure will be expanded to require identification of any person making cumulative donations to the filer of $10,000 or more during the reporting period, regardless of whether the donations were made for the purpose of furthering independent expenditures or electioneering communications. The types of communications subject to independent expenditure and electioneering communication reporting are also broadened to include, for example, certain mass email and text blasts.
Pay-to-play. The law governing disclosure of political contributions by government contractors will be refined to narrow the scope of reportable contributions and the “doing public business” threshold. Reporting will be done electronically, and reports will be made available to the public online. Contractors will be required to certify their compliance with the reporting requirements to the agencies with which they do business, and will be subject to new detailed record-keeping requirements.
Enforcement. The bill gives the State Board of Elections additional tools to enforce the campaign finance laws, including expanded audit authority and the authority to issue civil penalties for certain violations. The statute of limitations for prosecuting criminal violations is also extended from 2 to 3 years.

Tell you what, elleng, My husband Bob and I were (and still are) thinking about buying a home in Maryland… as soon as we can come up with a down payment. We moved to Virginia in 2009 when he go a job out in Reston. We chose DelRay even though the commute, even a reverse one would be blech because we loved the neighborhood. It was about them when I listened to local news and realized what a gem Maryland had with him as governor.
Hogan can't last forever.

(138,554 posts)I recall looking at DelRay when we were looking for a house in 1984. Ended up off of 16th St. in DC, easy commute to our offices downtown.
There are houses near me, around the Chesapeake, so if you wanna think about it, c'mon over and explore! (DON'T remind me about hogan, PLEASE!)
(2,798 posts)Generally, governors do better than senators in presidential campaigns. Executive experience does matter. Scaling up from governing a state to governing a nation is a lot smoother than transitioning from senator to president.
That is a big plus for O'Malley, especially since he made Maryland a better place to live. I cannot say the same for a number of "wrecking ball" republican governors who have done their best to bust unions, drive down wages, break education, reduce health care, and subvert human rights. Their executive experience is a negative.
(11,626 posts)This is where he can kick the shit out of every republican running for office.
The clown car is already getting filled up… but I can say with total confidence that everything you speak of is something he can counter against vs. ANY GOP candidate.