O'Malley met with Progressives on Monday, including Zephyr Teachout
A 4-paragrpah snippet:
Attendees included Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout, who challenged New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic gubernatorial primary last year, as well as her former running mate, Columbia Law professor Tim Wu. Also in attendance were several MSNBC contributors and hosts, sources said.
And mingling with the crowd were O’Malley operatives Bill Hyers, who served as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s campaign manager in 2013; spokeswoman Lis Smith; and Karine Jean-Pierre, O’Malley’s PAC’s new national political director.
“I’m so thrilled we’re getting a competitive primary,” Teachout said after the meeting. “I’m happy [Bernie] Sanders is in the race, but it sounds like O’Malley’s going to run and that’s important.”
O’Malley spoke for about 15 minutes and then took questions, according to attendees. “What came through very clearly was that he’s running as a strong progressive,” said one attendee who declined to be identified. “He hit on big banks and regulations and the shortcomings of the administration.”
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