Related: About this forummedical card question for Washington State residents card is going to expire in August and the provider I have been going to in Yakima has quit. The website and email are no longer working. I suspect a lot of them have quit due to the virus..but now what? Ive looked online for a provider but only 3 are listed..all in the Seattle -Yelm area. Too long a drive from Central Wash for a 10 minute visit. I found a site called Miracle Leaf which provides cards online due to the virus and says it services Wash state...for 149$..after I upload my medical file. Is this legit?
So....seeing I have a grow going and without the card I'm going to be a criminal in 4 weeks..what are people doing to get their cards now? and where?
a private message is fine.

(2,341 posts)and $149 is standard. There's no reason they need to see you in person as they are not doing anything but checking medical records and issuing cards.
buy recreational and don't need no stinkin' card. I live in Gray's Harbor County Washington State.
(18,435 posts)..the ONLY reason I get a card is to make my grow legal. Dammit that paperwork to make grows legal in the state have been sitting on some dudes desk for a year!
BUT..yep I found my old provider and they are doing it on line. I'm an old custy in more ways than one so we have a vid conference set up and my medical records are being mailed.
that is an important detail Envious that you can make things grow, my thumbs are poisonious