Related: About this forumWhat strain is your favorite and why?
I've been trying Night Fire OG lately and thought it feels pretty good.
I'm looking for something that is a really relaxing body high and something that really keeps the muscles loose... nothing too harsh-smelling especially when smoking it...

(20,234 posts)Like bubble gum. The name escapes me.
(15,189 posts)I remember Thai weed in the 80's and it was the BEST. I remember chocolate Thai that was really good. No such weed today as big pharm has ruined pot. Back in the day when you smoked a joint and it didn't taste perfumy. Back when there was resin on your joint, and your eyes were red and glazed, and you were really tired. That's my favorite strain. Hoping legalization will bring imported stuff in.
(20,234 posts)Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)Vincardog
(20,234 posts)waddirum
(991 posts)behind me.
(34,648 posts)White widow. Theres one that is grapey that I like. Northern lights is the one. I like that best.
(46,436 posts)in BC of a strain called White Lightning. It was a hybrid of white widow and NL#5. I've been growing it for so long, collecting seeds periodically, that I have no idea how it's split out now, but it works. I haven't bought any weed in years. I like farming.
(34,648 posts)I gotta start farming.
(46,436 posts)there's nothing to stop you. I've been growing mine inside, but now that the days are long, I've got three plants outside and one in the greenhouse just to see how they do with natural light. I'll have to bring them back in under the lights when I want them to flower, of course, but I love looking out the back door and seeing them out by the garden.
(3,747 posts)Probably the most grapey I've tried. It was a little mellow for me, but delicious when vaped.
Blueberry kush sounds nice...blackberry kush was delicious--slight jet fuel overtones and mellow smoke, with heavy blackberry flavor. Best tasting strain I've had.
(34,648 posts)I wan't the blackberry now. I like mine mellow, not too much kick. I don't wanna get all weird in public.
Yeah, it might have been grape ape. It was very grapey and awesome.
There's this one that smells like green onions that i like, and one that smells like a lemon pine forest.
(3,747 posts)That sounds delicious though...mmm so glad I bought a vape this year.
(34,648 posts)Older people have the best stuff. They don't mess around with bullshit. I gotta vape last year too.
(24,889 posts)Perfect combination of buzz + body high. i'm nearly out of it now, but i'm working on reconstructing the effect through mixing flowers. Got a pretty good combo going last night with a 1:1 Swiss Tsu/Oregon Big Bud split.
(46,585 posts)Now I really like Black Domina, Mendo Goo, and G.S.C. which are all hybrids.
(6,323 posts)
(6,476 posts)I would like to grow a few plants but probably won't because they'd take everything from us if caught. I have no idea how to get seeds either, I've been out of the loop for years.
My health would likely be helped by cannabis. In any case, for those that know what is the cost and in a state with medical marihuana is it covered like other drugs? I'm guessing not but it should be.
I'll be reading more than posting, glad we have this new group
(70,765 posts)Gregorian
(23,867 posts)It used to be you hunted down a friend of a friend, and whatever they had was what you got. Or you heard about the guy who just got some Thai sticks.
I felt so odd the first time I went to a dispensary. I have to admit it, I loved the prohibition days. I hated the guys in camouflage marching around on my neighbor's property though. Very frightening.
B Calm
(28,762 posts)like all!
(19,153 posts)I don't know, it just seems to supplement fairly well whatever endocannabinoids I'm not making enough of, while it, along with chemotherapy, double-teams my stage 4 cancer.
bam, boom! Get 'em Jack!
(205 posts)Last edited Sun Jun 14, 2015, 12:15 PM - Edit history (1)
Jack The Ripper x Doc's OG...
Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)So heady. I haven't come across it in a LONG time, though.
Lately I really enjoy OG Kush for a long lasting, intense high (one hit is all ya need), Cheese (for a nice, mellow buzz), and XJ-13 (for it's uplifting high).
(9,549 posts)F4lconF16
(3,747 posts)Jack Herer is the best poker strain I've found--light body high, relaxing, and perfect for clear-headed conversations and hanging out.
Grandaddy Purple (a strong grow, anyways, it needs to be done right) for heavy indica goodness. That stuff will knock you down flat. Wonderful for pain and sleep.
White widow is another one of my top ones, as with Northern Lights.
High energy sativa, I'd go with a good grow of Blue Dream. I've had a number of different versions of it, some better than others. If you can find a reliable and good grower, than it's fantastic.
(34,825 posts)Jack Herer if I'm going for a ride on the trails, or working around the house. Don't really have any particular preference for any Indica strains. Usually just pick out some top shelf.
Go Vols
(5,902 posts)Skunk X Haze suits me.
(6,603 posts)I love blueberry because it tastes nice, and it helps me get past the pain and get moving.
I love Tora Bora because this CBS strain tastes mellow, and helps my Glaucoma so much; it lowers my eyes pressures to normal, stops the ocular migraines, and only has a gentle buzz.
Have you tried Hawaiian Snow? It does to me what you want. YMMV.
(27,137 posts)
(6,262 posts)I love the flavor of all the blueberry hybrids but Blue Dream is my favorite.
Nice pic!
(51,907 posts)I'm an Indica fan looking for something to knock me flat on my back evenings so I can get some REM sleep. Not that I don't appreciate a daytime Sativa high, but it's distracting and I'm very busy on various activist missions.
(31,893 posts)I'm going out to visit him soon, and he thinks I'll like it, too. Anyone here familiar with it?
The last time I smoked any weed that actually had a name that I knew of, it was "Matanuska Thunderfuck" - back when I lived in Alaska (1989 - 1995). Wonderful stuff... (*sigh*)
Buzz cook
(2,689 posts)Matanuska Thunder Fuck is sold in many of the recreational shops. Grown in WA. and probably a bit stronger, but the same strain.
(2,939 posts)It was lovely.
(205 posts)Casey Jones x Girl Scout Cookies,
best ah, activity--
Chemdawg D x Girl Scout Cookies...
(14,561 posts)grown by "Dr Greenthumb" aka B Real from Cypress Hill. Really nice sativa, with a lovely citrus taste....keeps me energized yet chill. I'd been smoking Lamb's Bread for months, but my dispensary ran out and I'd been wanting to try this anyhow.
(23,867 posts)I'm just floored with nostalgia as I read it. Thank god I got to know the right people, and learn about growing, back in the 80's. I bought Rosenthal's book in the mid 70's, but didn't know enough to grow good buds until way later. I'm so excited because now with semi-legalization, those days are back.
It's just so weird to be able to talk publicly about all of this. I'm elated!
Dr. G's actual review video
(19 posts)Cenix is a great tasting, with a good buzz that doesn't Velcro you to the couch. Great for doing chores and working out in the yard. Living in Washington, we have more strains than you can count. Going into a dispensary is almost like going into a Candy Store. With about fifty different types of bud, not to mention the shatter, wax and edibles.
(12,530 posts)I also like the strains that smell like citrus, not so much for the body high, but just for the amazing smell and taste.
(25,577 posts)MohRokTah
(15,429 posts)jomin41
(559 posts)MohRokTah
(15,429 posts)I'm a Sativa lover. Always have been, always will be.
But when it comes to wanting to just relax a good couch lock indica is best.
And if I just want to enjoy a movie, a hybrid will work out best.
(21,729 posts)girl scout cookies, mr. nice, sour diesel (gotta love it), durban haze, and white buffalo. i rather prefer indica and indica-dominant hybrids, because imbibing for me is mostly a nighttime activity, but you can't go wrong with some nice mendo purps for a sativa. i like most of the grape strains.
anyone heard of the app "Leafly"? It's great for checking things out before you buy.
(1 post)I've been using this strain lately its called Purple Kush 100% indica. It gives me a good night sleep and a nice chilly vibe
(9,549 posts)and for sativa's - Atomical Haze and Delahaze.
(43,351 posts)called Sweet Pine Kush. Right now I am using Dosido... I get Indica as Sativa keeps me wired all day, and I need sleep. Noting: it is currently 2:24am/
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(3,988 posts)The latter is still as good as I remember from the seventies.
Currently growing: Power Plant from clone, Sour Diesel, C99, Goldmine and SFV all from bagseed.
(6,645 posts)I like it cuz its 100% Sativa and the taste is great all through a bowl or joint. No scorched taste after burning.
Also, I get real high. My fav by far!!