Related: About this forumSen. Cruz on Whether He Uses Cannabis:
Sen. Cruz on Whether He Uses Cannabis: I Dont Because It Is Illegal and Because Its Harmful to You
So there you have Ted Cruz professional opinion on cannabis.
My professional opinion is, if all those fascist Republican Senators smoked weed this country would be a lot kinder place to live in.

(38,623 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,039 posts)Note: since THC stays in the system so long (up to 30 days), there are violent criminals who test positive for it. But very very few are violent when high if there is not also alcohol dominating the mix.
Alcohol and nicotine are highly addictive and have very deleterious health problems from long term use, including many forms of cancer and malnutrition. Those two are harmful to you.
There is little evidence of elevated risk for lung cancer from smoking cannabis: some studies indicate it but most don't. In any case smoking is not needed. The same cannabis you'd put into a joint can be vaped directly and efficiently, or consumed orally (for different longer effect).
Yes, Republicans (but not libertarian Republicans or libertarian Democrats) are against relaxing (some) drug laws because they know cannabis makes people mellow and that goes against the Republican brand, which advocates competiton and contention, not cooperation and peace.
The Wizard
(13,092 posts)Cannabis reduces predatory tendencies.
(7,400 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,039 posts)Marcuse
(8,202 posts)KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)that at all the repug's cocaine sex parties nobody smokes weed?
When I was younger, a doobie & sex went hand in hand.
Response to Emile (Original post)
jfz9580m This message was self-deleted by its author.
COL Mustard
(7,259 posts)Because its illegal at the Federal level, and incompatible with my security clearance. Its a hard no for me.
Roy Rolling
(7,269 posts)Why is there a camera and microphone constantly in Ted Cruzs smarmy face?
He and Republicans think theyre newsworthy in the 2022 way of news entertainers.
Barney Frank was right, politics is show business for ugly people.
The plethora of repulsive Republicans fighting for TV time and sound bites is getting old. So the public just turns them off. Who cares if Cruz smokes weedif he does, it aint workin.
On edit: bonus video
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)Emile
(33,054 posts)I'll never smoke weed with Willie again!
The smile on Willies face is priceless.
Fritz Walter
(4,351 posts)Oh now, all of a sudden, we can believe -- let alone trust -- what he says?
He's pandering to his base! If the number of cannabis users was "high" enough, he'd try to get our support.
(12,240 posts)IMO.
(23,362 posts)Cruz is an asshole. If he smoked weed, he'd simply be an asshole who was high.
(2,453 posts)a time when 400,000 people could get together to listen to music, smoke weed and chill out, and NOBODY GOT SHOT.
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)I guarantee when he gets a few ounces of his liquid drug he stands around and rates young women.
Just imagine that fat hooked nosed blob on a beach in Mexico. "Ha Ha" I made you gag.
(33,054 posts)
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)Coffee out the nose? Be honest.
(33,054 posts)The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)mwooldri
(10,587 posts)If we encouraged these fascistic Republicans to take a medically supervised LSD trip, or use "magic mushrooms", their mind will be opened up considerably to the point that they'll abandon their crazy ways. But I'm a dirty old delivery boy...
(3,064 posts)Medicinal CBD and THC are both obtainable through a Doctor's prescription. And that's pretty much a rubber stamp.
I'm a bit of a cynic but I thought I'd give it a try about six weeks ago.
It's a great help with the minor aches and pains that come from hitting and passing retirement.
But the real revelation for me was the amazing increase in not only the time but the quality of my sleep.
For a good while before I retired I'd been having increasing and more severe knee pain. Guess 30 years of 40 mile a week roadwork caught up with me. And the job I had required a great deal of walking every night, maybe seven miles a night on average.
With 1 1/2 years to go before retirement I finally saw a doctor. This diagnosis: both knees needed replacing. And that day I walked out with an appointment to see a pain specialist.
Walked out with a prescription for OxyContin and Ativan for sleep. Ativan was swapped with Xanax and Vice versa for the three years I used it.
One week after my first week of retirement I had my first replacement. And four months later I had my second. The pain was excruciating and all the dope I was taking didn't decrease it that much. Had to delay Thailand for 1 1/2 years, the last three months weaning myself off the dope.
I didn't take all that was prescribed and then hit the streets to score. In fact, my doctor was so generous with his script pad( imagine that) that I was able to hold back more than enough pills to detox myself. I just didn't make my last appointment. If I were still in Dallas he'd probably still be writing me Oxy.
I had to get clean before I left and I did. These oils couldn't have relieved the pain of my knees but the Oxy was hardly a panacea.
And I haven't slept like this since well before my knees started bothering me.
I'd like to bring some with me along with a prescription. Guess I'll have to contact the US Embassy and maybe JAL as well. As I'm flying in to Dallas, who knows? San Francisco, it ain't.
(9,549 posts)You can always take a trip over the border.
(13,018 posts)Mr. Ected
(9,689 posts)I took him to a coffee shop and he had a nice discussion with the owner.
The proprietor told him that he also owned the bar next door. He said that at least once a week the police were called to his bar to break up arguments but that in 20+ years there had never been an incident at his coffee shop.
My dad imbibed the one time and I don't think I ever saw him any happier.
Miss you dad.
(25,497 posts)There's a memorable skit on it about a Presidential aide getting Tricky Dick to try weed (memorable line : "I hallucinate on Dr. Pepper." ) So he tries some, and the aide says, "Uh, sir, you're not supposed to eat it--you smoke it." So he lights one up, takes a couple drags, and starts to hallucinate--seeing Pat Brown winning the California Governor's election. His final hallucination is that HE has been elected governor. It is absolutely hysterically funny, and I could see Raffy Cruz having that kind of experience with cannabis. (He's got the hallucination part down pat......)
(3,064 posts)I recall Nixon calling them "roofers" as opposed to reefers.
And, yeah, when he's really off he asks where he is. And an aide says "Where you've always wanted to be, sir."
And Nixon says, " You mean I'm the governor of California?"
That's probably not exact but it's pretty much how it went.
Great LP, great skit. Don't remember who did it. Was it The Firesign Theater?
(25,497 posts)I think he did three albums about Nixon. One was WNIX radio,
I remember one the skits on one of the albums had Nixon talking to Spiro Agnew, telling him he was going to get Spiro a brain transplant--from a CHICKEN! Hysterically funny!
(2,278 posts)I Dont Because It Makes Me Introspective, and NOBODY Wants to Go There. "