How way, way out of touch some political pundits are:
Buzzfeed's McCay Coppins has been appearing on a variety of MSNBC shows of late, often commenting on Trump. (Apparently, every guest pundit on MSNBC who is going to discuss Trump has to be smirking knowingly when introduced by the show host.)
Anyway, on Chris Hayes Tuesday evening, McCay Coppins noted that Trump had long had two sets of advisers around him. However, once he actually announced, his advisors were a new bunch of professionals. Now, waiiit forrrrr itttt--
"And they're not Republican establishment. Like, they've worked for the Koch brothers."

Cheese Sandwich
(9,086 posts)
(45,251 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)plays along.
We so need to get our media back out of the hands of Corporations.
(45,251 posts)Now, we get our news from a very limited number of huge corporations. Except online. Even then, what we see online is often commentary on such news as the conglomerates choose to make public.