I thought it was curious
After finally watching Hillary's rollout video I was struck by
the strong single Latino mother moving to a new neighborhood to get a better education for her two children.
Ok that's great and an inspiring image until I thought about it a little. Is this the way and solution we improve our education system is by moving to a richer school district with higher taxes and more expensive housing? Isn't that the status quo of America's solution to everything? Pulling her bootstraps up? Being a X school teacher that has worked in the inner city schools that stuck me
Otherwise an effective but really not inspiring video ....'we want strong families' who doesn't? Whos against an economy of tomorrow? Does anyone oppose stronger families?
just focus-grouped pabulum

(13,985 posts)djean111
(14,255 posts)The people in that video are not the ones who need a champion.
The people who will never be able to afford to move to a better school distract, much less buy a house - bearing in mind that the video is saying that poor kids in poor neighborhoods of course have shitty schools - need a champion.
(3,533 posts)retraining for a new job are just life disruptors to keep us in mass confusion and distraction until democracy has vanished.
(10,849 posts)President Obama anymore. He dishes it as well as the rest.
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)The example you point out
is particularly interesting.
First how much would it cost
for a single mom to move to
a "better" school district?
First, last and security deposit
is a bug chunk of change...
unless she's buying a new home???
Moving costs alone could run over a grand.
Why is the school district so bad?
IS this more bashing of Public Education?
A sideways attack on teacher unions?
A nod to Charter Schools...privatize education?
Every character in the rollout has a
backstory that just doesn't comport
with the economic realities.
Notice the factory worker with his new career...
pouring buckets... Bwahaha? He must be proud?!?
But hey, 5 generations of the ownership class
are doing very well!
The narrative that Americans have somehow
"fought their way back from tough
economic times" is just laughable.
Though it is great marketing...
(36,392 posts)So in a way the rollout is honest
Cheese Sandwich
(9,086 posts)Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton's Fake Populism Is a Hit
(2,941 posts)would eventually come to pass as a Democrat if we continued to value wealth, power and privilege over principals.
She's exploiting a lazy electorate.
It's going to be non-stop - "look at how much money she has" she has to win!
There will be consequences for our collective bad behavior.
(84,711 posts)I wondered why no one else mentioned that. It was recalling "White Flight" from the cities in earlier decades so the kids could "get a better education." That she used that example really shows what her mind set is. Or, it was her campaign's dog whistle to the RW'ers to garner the Conservative female vote she so covets.
We are to assume she probably strongly favors Arne Duncan and Rahm Emmanuels view of how our children should be educated, also. Privatization of Public Schools and Vouchers. Our taxpayer dollars to pay for schemes for more to get rich off the backs of our taxdollars while their kids attend the elite Private Schools and Colleges.
Was surprised that DU'ers here didn't pick that up. Even her supporters had to have questions.
I also thought it a bit ott about "I've been home with my children for five years and it's time to go back to work." (paraphrase)
Who decided "Five Years" was the appropriate amount of time to use in a campaign commericial? How old were the kids that they all could be ready for Mom to go back to work after that length of time. Did she assume the Nanny would take over the care or that it would be time for Day Care...and the salary of the job would take care of the extra cost?
Oh..well.. she is what she is. But, seems really out of touch, which probably should be expected, given here lifestyle since she was First Lady in Arkansas. I wonder if she will take a visit to WalMart with the cameras rolling to buy an outfit for her new Grandaughter and to pick up a few groceries to show how comfortable she is with the way the average American shops, these days.
Oh well...enough.