Sherrod Brown: Short notice for secret meetings, staff not able to view TPP. How is this democracy?
12 hours notice for hearing, secret meetings, staff not able to view #TPP. How is this democracy?
(9,474 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(151,967 posts)donnasgirl
(656 posts)And one that I would back in a NY minute.
(5,217 posts)Where is any semblance of a democratic Democratic Party?
(31,464 posts)They're perfectly happy to fast-track this bill. That just means they can retire or move on to their next million-dollar lobbying gig.
We're being totally suckers. Hate to say it, it appears as if President Obama has his finger in the pie, too.
(70,123 posts)BeanMusical
(4,389 posts)For a second that scene from American Pie popped into my mind.
(34,582 posts)KoKo
(84,711 posts)KoKo
(84,711 posts)Here's the link:
Posting late in the day (if you are an East Coaster) is good so that those who come home from work or the West Coasters have more time to watch it.
Welcome to DU
Thanks for the welcome. Go ahead and re-post it if you would like to.
(84,711 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Well except they are openly disparaging those that oppose it. Nice.
(4,389 posts)Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)Corporate Global Coup d'états.
(72,631 posts)Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)Even discussing the TPP under these circumstances is just wrong.
To vote on the TPP now would be like signing a contract without reading it. Worse than that, it would be like signing a contract when the seller grins and says "trust me, you don't need to read it."
In short, the default position for any representative of the people should be at this time to vote NO, regardless of ideology or party. This is not the way to conduct public business.
(37,561 posts)pansypoo53219
(21,696 posts)JDPriestly
(57,936 posts)KeepItReal
(7,769 posts)Secrecy from the American public
Secrecy from members of Congress
And the attitude that you don't need to know what's in the agreement before it is passed is somehow acceptable.
(3,533 posts)Fast track needs 60 votes to pass the filibuster. That means 54 repubs + 6 Dem turncoats
If fast track is passed, then only 50 votes are necessary for approval with 54 Repubs waiting anxiously to pass it.
Wyden not showing up is appalling and since he has his name on this shameful Fast Track revision I assume we can count on him voting yes. That leaves only 5 Dems to jump ship, pathetic.
(50,983 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)He didn't say 'no', he said he hadn't thought of it until he was asked.
I hope he is thinking about it now.