A Vision for a Progressive Democratic Party (w/ Sen. Sherrod Brown)
RJ Eskrow interviews Sherrod Brown on what the Democratic Party stands these days(1 month ago)~
Cenk interviews Sherrod Brown on breaking up big banks & political power of banks(1 yr ago)~
(50,983 posts)![](/emoticons/spray.gif)
If he threw his hat in the ring, how long before we would hear, "He's too liberal!"
(7,830 posts)And why our party is struggling today.
I don't know how that's radical. Unless you hear it from RWrs trying to baselessly discredit him.
Breaking up big banks & getting rid of the bank's power in our political system isn't radical. FDR did it, so it's nothing new. Just common sense & democratic in nature.
(((Sorry, missed the sarcasm, enthusiast!)))
But yeah, RWrs in both parties do call him radical. Pisses me off.
(3,533 posts)for him to become the third regular voice for the people.
EW, Sanders and Brown kinda sounds like a law firm or musical trio!
(50,983 posts)I only mean to say They® would peg Sherrod as a radical in the media the moment he declared any interest in the presidency.
You know how they do it. SOP.
They are as a plague upon the land.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)But seems they have way more power than anyone understood. Henry Paulson ran into a Congress after realizing how badly they had screwed up the world, with a three page edict. And Congress responded to his commands.
The last time they let the Republicans do it. This time they let the Democrats do it.
I wish we had two parties so that one of them at least could stop these criminals.
(50,983 posts)TheKentuckian
(26,314 posts)advancing a liberal policy agenda otherwise there would be both more "buzz" around him as a potential candidate and more effort in emulating the ability to win statewide in a swing state with a strong track record as a liberal, especially Ohio. Ohio of the "so goes Ohio, so goes the Nation" swing states.
You bet your ass that if it was Rob Portman with a (D) next to his name such a Senator would ever be "one to watch" no matter how not interested they supposedly were and they would certainly be described as what you have to be to win except in the most liberal states and districts.
Of course I have long accepted the Turd Way types are cons so their ignore a thon isn't surprising at all, it just reinforces what has become the obvious what bugs is how little Brown is advanced even in Democratic wing circles.
When you get real McCoy's off the coasts, it makes sense to build and model around such folks. They are by any sane and decent definition doing the right thing in a big way and here it is about issues, knowing how to communicate to your electorate, and credibility not being a Republican that supports choice and doesn't turn into a pillar of salt if they even consider revenues.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)what would win for them, is not what they want.
Those pulling the strings don't really care which party 'wins' so long as they have at least one and a half parties to push THEIR agenda.
Once you realize that, it so much less frustrating than when you actually thought they would listen to the voters.
It took us too long to figure it all out, giving them a real advantage.
However I do think they feel that advantage slipping now.
Sherrod Brown should keep on talking, we do need more than the two voices we have.
And then more of the Progressives who seem to have been silenced should also make sure they use their microphones.
Bernie and Warren have laid a foundation, now others can build on that. Until there is a tsunami of voices who are not just talking but who are acting to back up the talk.
We will be hearing a lot of 'populist' talk, much as they probably hate having to do it.
But talk is cheap and finally enough people get that. So it's going to take a whole lot more than speech writers.
They hate the Left, but need us to win. It's going to be interesting seeing how they figure out how to turn a Wall St insider into a populist Main St crusader, and a War Hawk into a proponent for peace.