You can't support the Wealthy 1% and say you care about the poor.
You can't support the Wealthy 1% and the growing wealth inequality and say you support the lower classes. You must choose.
Some people think they can ignore the giant elephant in the room by being myopic and concentrating on a specific issues like maybe women's health or the struggles of the AA community. This is sadly naive.
The growing wealth inequality will continue to consume all other struggles. The Wealthy are looting all the wealth and resources from the lower classes. Wealth that is needed to provide basic services and even necessities like health care and food. How can organizations like Planned Parenthood exist if the wealthy make paupers of the 99%. And don't pretend it isn't happening. In the last 30 years the 99% has lost an enormous amount of wealth as we pay for hiways, police and fire departments, housing for the poor, Social Security, etc. Yet in the last 30 years corporations like Goldman-Sachs and billionaires have reaped (read have stolen) billions and billions from us. Their very existence is predicated on the accumulation of wealth. And they get it by not paying their fair share so we in the 99% pay more. And to make matters worse they use their wealth to buy politicians ala. Citizens United, that pass laws that help them loot the 99%.
Clinton may say she supports social justice issues, but where does she plan on getting the money? Certainly not from the 1%.
Those that support the power of Goldman-Sachs, Wall Street and the billionaires, are not supporting the 99%. It's actually very simple.
cross posted from GD: P: