Environmental activists in Appalachia lose an inspirational leader
Appalachian Voices
In memory of an inspirational leader and friend
Posted by Sarah Kellogg
November 12, 2014

Annie Brown: June 28, 1950 - September 28, 2014
Appalachian Voices and Residents for Coal Ash Cleanup lost an amazing activist and dear friend in late September with the passing of Annie Fulp Brown.
Annie lived in the rural community of Walnut Cove, N.C., her entire life. Her first priority was always her family. She lived across the street from one of her daughters and best friend, Tracey, and she would speak proudly of her grandchildren, who love reading and excel in school. She was a natural nurturer. She would tell me stories about her family all the time, about how her granddaughter would cross the street to eat breakfast at her house before school, about big plans for a 100-person Thanksgiving event, about her prayers for her husband and daughters health.
She was also an activist and a champion for her community. She was one of the first people in her neighborhood to speak publicly about her experience living next to the largest coal-fired power plant in the state, Duke Energys Belews Creek steam station. As busy as she was, she always took interviews with any media outlet that would listen to her story, from the Winston-Salem Journal to 60 Minutes. She was the rare kind of activist who is capable of boldly speaking their truth and inspiring others to join the cause and she did it all for her family.
I have children, and grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. Im a young great grandmother, Annie says in the video At What Cost?, I want them to be able to have a life thats free of constant problems caused by toxins. Im concerned about them.....
Read the rest of Sarah's moving tribute at: