"The Language of Hollywood: Storytelling, Sound and Color" Free online course through Weselyan U.
I am enrolling in "The Language of Hollywood: Storytelling, Sound and Color" class for free through Wesleyan University. If you pass the final exam you will a certificate from Wesleyan.
About the Course
This history course explores how fundamental changes in film technology affected popular Hollywood storytelling. We will consider the transition to sound, and the introduction of color. Each change in technology brought new opportunities and challenges, but the filmmaker's basic task remained the emotional engagement of the viewer through visual means. We will survey major directors and genres from the studio era and point forward to contemporary American cinema. Our aim is to illuminate popular cinema as the intersection of business, technology, and art. Through film history, we will learn about the craft of filmmaking and how tools shape art. This online educational experience is not equivalent to a college course.