Edward Snowden in Interview with German TV...."They Wanted to Murder Me!"
And...Just Saying....I BELIEVE HIM! We don't get enough "International TV in USA, anymore and this is a "Good Watch." (I just wish that I could post this without all kinds of "code" hanging out...But, better to see it for my puny internet skills than for it to be ignored.)Edward Snowden Speaks Out to German TV--"They Wanted to Murder Me...and it's an Excellent watch
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KMC » 3pm - Feb 1, 2014
In an interview with German television, Edward J. Snowden said that despite feeling threatened, he...

(30,058 posts)And perhaps those exposed does not appreciate his sloppy work.
(32,324 posts)Or maybe I was home sick the day that in social studies, as I have no memory of it being mentioned that US government officials could be advocating a secret murder of someone who had not been legally indicted, taken before a judge and jury and given a fair trial.
And I also haven't heard of anyone who died from any data released by Snowden. Although just a week ago, 300,000 people were without drinking water, because Big Energy can do what ever they want to do to our water supply, as long as it is in the name of profit, and not "terrorism."
(30,058 posts)Has not been convicted of anything and probably never charged with anything. When a person who works in our nations security is outted their lives and other agents lives are put in danger. It damn well does not help them and this is why this information should remain classified. If Snowden and his gang did not have this fore sight then they do not need to make decisions in which they are not capable of knowing the outcome of stupid decisions. He has put others in harm's way.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)committed against the American people.
If our government doesn't people exposing their crimes against the Constitution, the solution is simple, STOP VIOLATING our Constitutional rights!!
We were LIED into a horrible, murderous war and THOSE CRIMINALS who put millions in harms way are still free and not one of them has yet been brought to justice.
Torture, spying on the American people, lies about war, hundreds of thousands of dead human beings including thousands of American troops, untold numbers maimed for life, both physically and emotionally, thousands committing suicide as a result of crimes committed by our government. Yes lying a country into war may be the worst crime elected officials can commit.
Not to mention the Wall St criminals who are not only still walking around free, they are richer than ever with tax payer money that the tax payers CANNOT AFFORD.
I think your priorities are a little off and millions of people here and around the world do not agree with you.
(30,058 posts)Endangered, would you really want someone trying to kill you because you was doing a job? Seriously, and just because Snowden took it upon himself to take information into a non protected area and the information was delivered to the wrong people. Just think, if your name Sabrina started running in the world of security it would make you feel good?
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)victims of our humanitarian bombs and our torturers?
(30,058 posts)over and over. I am not even going to go into this innocent humanitarian bombs and torturers. You can either say whether you want your name and information given out or not.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)are unwilling to produce any evidence for? The question is based on a false premise. So far as I know the only ones potentially harmed are the perpetrators who have been violating our Constitutional rights for years now.
And since when did this country care about putting people in harm's way, except when it suits them to try to cover up the crimes of the rich and powerful?
Remember Valerie Plame? I haven't seen much concern for her or for those she was associated with who were exposed for POLITICAL purposes by a rogue band of people headed by the VP himself who were entrusted with the protection of people like Valerie Plame.
There is no rule of law in this country anymore IF you are rich and powerful enough. So the pretense of outrage that a Whistle Blower 'might, maybe. possibly, probably' or whatever the allegation is, have 'put someone in harm's way' is, in a macabre sort of way, amusing.
Each time they are caught committing crimes against the people, we are treated to the same old 'national security' nonsense. Great way to hide massive crimes, 'just trust us if you find out about our crimes, it will damage national security. No, it won't. NOTHING harmed this country's National Security more than the outrageous, criminal lies that led this country into never ending war.
(32,324 posts)The NSA is not legal. Period.
And its not illegal just because it violates the Constitution although it does (the Fourth Amendment, specifically). The illegality of the NSAs telephone metadata program is much clearer and even more disturbing than that. The program is illegal because no law authorizes bulk collection of phone record data. To the contrary, several laws forbid it. Understanding that the program is illegal doesnt require fancy lawyer arguments about the frustratingly terse and vague provisions of the U.S. Constitution. It requires only that you read section 215 of the Patriot Act, which is the statute identified by the NSA as providing congressional authorization for its programs. We read it. It is surprisingly clear. And it does not authorize the NSA to do what its doing.
And two is that the money that is being handed over, right now, by Criminal Conspiracists like Di Feinstein, so they can enrich enriching themselves by leaking "secret classified information" to family members so contracts can go out and secure the Blum Feinstein household a gazillion dollars for the Surveillance Contracts that NSA provides.
Meanwhile that surveillance money should be going into infra-structure, and into police agencies that supervise the Big Polluters, like the people at "Freedom Energy" responsible for polluting the West Virgina river and drinking water for 2300,000 people.
(15,686 posts)madrchsod
(58,162 posts)who knows?
but whatever it is remember....
do`t do the crime if you can't do the time
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)'doing the crimes but not doing the time'. Hopefully the more Whistle Blowers who come forward, the harder it is going to be for them to get away these massive crimes that have been going on for far too long.