Please take a look at five new news sources I came across today:
Hi there.
I'm adding these to the list pinned at the top of the board.
Please give them a look, comment about them if you like in replies to this OP.
Five new news outlets that I came across today:
Institute for Public Accuracy:
World Wire:
Media Wire:
Media Channel, a directory of resources:
Stratfor Global Intelligence:
And this one well known German source, often has the scoop on US outlets: Spiegel Online International:

(54,515 posts)KoKo
(84,711 posts)near Germany who are appalled at NSA Spying and can't understand how this is happening here..(given what they remember what Europe went through in the last century.)
I worry what they are reading given the state of our it's always good to have a broader range of views to read from International News.
(13,039 posts)eom
(68,644 posts)I'll have to look at some of their stories and if it looks dirty will edit my OP.
(27,509 posts)You DO need better sources of information, where the fuck did you get the idea stratfor is "progressive"?
Wikileaks documents reveals 13 federal departments had contracts with Stratfor
Stratfor came under fire recently after a leaked company document prepared for an oil company outlined ways to counter activist groups, such as Greenpeace, who oppose Canadas oilsands development.
By: Ben Makuch The Canadian Press, Published on Sun Dec 15 2013
OTTAWAAt least 13 Canadian government agencies have had subscriptions with U.S. private intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting, Inc. or Stratfor, newly released WikiLeaks emails indicate.
Stratfor, sometimes dubbed a shadow CIA, came under fire recently after a leaked document prepared for an oil company outlined ways to counter activist groups, such as Greenpeace, who oppose Canadas oilsands development.
The same cache of leaked emails indicates Canadian federal agencies have purchased at least half a million dollars in Stratfor services.
Stratfor hacker Jeremy Hammond sentenced to ten years in jail
Published time: November 15, 2013 16:35
Edited time: December 25, 2013 08:41 Get short URL
Internet activist Jeremy Hammond who pleaded guilty to hacking servers of the private intelligence company Statfor and leaking its information to anti-secrecy site, WikiLeaks, was sentenced to ten years in jail on Friday, November 15.
The release of internal emails belonging to Strategic Forecasting Inc. or Stratfor, has become one of the most successful operations ever conducted by the hacktivist group, Anonymous, which Hammond admitted to being part of. A trove of emails attributed to Stratfor executives suggested that the private company, which employs many former officials from the CIA and other government agencies, kept close ties with the security apparatus.
In particular, the emails published by WikiLeaks suggested that Stratfor was hired by private companies and government agencies alike to monitor political protesters and activists, including members of Occupy Wall Street and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
In addition to bringing attention to domestic civil liberties issues, the emails also suggested that numerous Pakistani officials knew the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden prior to the US raid on the Abbottabad complex, and that Russia was able to compromise the unmanned aerial vehicles Israel sold to Georgia prior to the 2008 war.
(68,644 posts)I'm glad to know these details.
I never called them progressive, I simply said they were new to me, and it fits the SOP for the group, which includes "alternative" sources.
I'm going to keep it linked but find a way to refer to it as a CIA--bedmate. It's a good source to keep an eye on.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)the Anonymous leaks.
Thanks for the links.
One interesting forecast they are making is that the Top World Players will be working together more than in the past.
If that turns out to be true it would probably be a good thing.
Eg, I saw on RT this morning that the US, Russia among others are now working together to bring about a 'diplomatic' solution in Syria and that progress is being made. They have concluded, according to several International sources, that 'bad as Assad may be, the 'opposition', which it is now fairly clear, are not even Syrians, are far, far worse and would turn Syria into an extremist state' should they prevail.
The new allies, the US Russia et al, are planning to 'sit down' with the rebels, who so far have avoided doing so.
However, this is good news imo. Most Syrians, even former anti-Assad protesters are now supporting the Government after witnessing the carnage over the last two years.
This situation does seem to confirm what I read on Stratfor's site. So I will check it out now that I know about it.
(68,644 posts)If you ever think of other good sources, please write a reply to the pinned thread or just post in this group.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)The more varied the sources people read, the more likely we are to get a picture of what is really going on imo.
This is a great forum and I hope to be able to contribute more from now on.
(11,994 posts)NYC_SKP
(68,644 posts)2naSalit
(95,919 posts)The more the merrier. Can never have too many sources.
(6,057 posts)You're joking! Right?!!!!
(68,644 posts)If you would, you will find that the discussion has already taken place.
Please be kind in this group, it's protected, we will not abide disruption.
(6,057 posts)Then, no further spanking necessary!
(68,644 posts)A careful read of the replies and of the SOP for this group will tell you that many non-progressive sources are still worthy of following.
This isn't a group for Huffpost or Fox crap. Serious globalization groups are worth following.
Now please read the SOP and if you don't have anything nice to say, I'll be happy to remove any chance of a repeat offense on your part.
Our concerns are too important to be wasting our time on petty complaints and insults.
(6,057 posts)Does that count?