S5:E2 (Stitt Fit - The OK Gov's Guest Educator E.O As A Way To Solve COVID)
This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about Oklahoma Governor Stitt's E.O. on letting other State Departments foot the bill for education by allowing employees from those other Departments to be 'Guest Educators' while still being paid from the payroll of their respected Departments... It all has to do with the Republican plan for Education.. And it's a classic.
It is all going according to plan (evil laugh of Emperor Palpatine). The plan?? Page 6 of the Oklahoma Republican Party Platform… You didn’t think the current state of public education in Oklahoma was by accident now do you??? Eviscerating public education is the plan and it is a classic. Make public education so bad by hobbling it with unfunded mandates and poorly resourcing it that private, charter and home schools are the only viable option to a good education, and they also, "ah ha", don’t have to follow constitutional norms of things public institutions have to, like religious indoctrination for instance… Kill the public school system, strengthen the vitality of private, charter and home schooling... This in turn will save the tax payers $$$!!! How do you ask??? Well, not by controlling cost, that will go up... But by issuing parents vouchers, "ah-hem", School Choice Coupons. No, no, no, I mean Education Savings Accounts… See, these 'coupons', I mean ESA’s, can be used to buy your Timmy or Sally the education mommy and daddy can afford... That's right... What they can afford... Because you see the voucher, err, I mean ESA, won't cover the full cost of education. That's how we save the tax payers money!!!!! The parents will just have to suck it up and pay for each child's books, activity fees, school room supplies, and the 10-20% of tuition... Tim wants to play football?? Well, he'd better be able to finance that.. Art classes for Sally?? Mom can buy the supplies at Hobby Lobby!! And busing??? You will be able to purchase your very own personal bus pass!!! (each semester)… See?? What a utopia we will create!!!

mountain grammy
(27,569 posts)considering not that many years ago Oklahoma was the leader in early childhood education and it was working. Too bad the crazies took over.
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mountain grammy
(27,569 posts)
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mountain grammy
(27,569 posts)but then lost track.. yes I'll watch for that, thanks.