The Pope and Putin--U.S. gets in Row over Ukraine and Putin and Jeb Bush Chimes In
"West is ticked off the Pope didn't throw Putin under the bus...not just yet"
Published on Jun 10, 2015
Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis equals media attention and it’s huge. There’s someone watching the meeting very closely. The US didn't hesitate and openly called on the Pope to slap Putin on the wrist over Ukraine. This might be an opportunity to raise concerns - said the US ambassador to The Holy See. Ukraine's Catholic Archbishop has also criticized Pope Francis who said the war in Ukraine is a civil war, hinting the Pontiff should be blaming Russia. US presidential candidate Jeb Bush has also decided to voice what he thinks of Putin. First of all, he's a bully. Second, he doesn't care. Third, Russians deserve someone better. Did you ask Russians? Because an American think-tank Pew Research Center did and it turns out that Russians are fine with Putin.
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