Help...I want to warn people
I dunno how to do it.
I just got this PM from a rapist. I don't know if he rapes still or has been convicted or what.
I am disgusted and scared..and pissed. I want this POS banned..I wonder if HE is a threat.
<Yes, men are inclined to rape. Personally, I've actually commted rape. It was consentual, but still rape. I'm not proud of that. I fucked the shit out of those women. I regret it now.
Rape is a state of mind. Both for the female and the rapist. I got away with it because the girls liked it. Yeah, I'm a stud. I've got a large cock and know what to do with it. But that's not the point. I'm against rape. Sure, I've done it, but I'm against it. Women are victimized by it on a regular basis. It's wrong. I'm guilty. I admit it. I raped a lot of women. I'm guilty. I was wrong.
I hate myself for that. I really hate myself for what I did.>
I am so triggered right now,I want to grind him into mush.I hate him.Why did he write this shit to me?
I hate this world..Help.

(55,655 posts)Take his name out and contact the Administrators. I'm afraid you're going to get into trouble.
It's awful he wrote that, completely horrible. I wouldn't want to see the issue get distorted because you used his name here.
(11,925 posts)Here? what I just said? I don't want it to be hid away.. but I don't want to get in trouble either. If I had my way that shit would be on GD pronto name and all.
(55,655 posts)Say someone sent me this PM and let his words speak for themselves. Don't describe what you think he is. I totally agree it's horrible what he did and the admins need to take action. Don't let them make you the issue, please.
(32,884 posts)go to your Inbox and alert on his PM. The box is in the lower left hand corner. It goes directly to Skinner or EarlG.
jftr - You can post PMs on DU. There is no rule against it and there are no secrets and frankly this one needs to see the light of day.
I am sorry this has happened to you.
(55,655 posts)She'd get shit for using his name.
(32,884 posts)There is no problem with posting that sort of attack PM, particularly in a protected group.
(55,655 posts)As I said, I was worried about naming him. You never know how stuff about rape is going to go around here, or at least I don't know.
(14,177 posts)I hope it at least gets banned and it's IP tracked or whatever is done to keep banned people out.
(72,300 posts)He was wrong to contact you with this!
I feel sure that Skinner will handel it!
(11,925 posts)I was so freaked I just went into attack mode.
(55,655 posts)Did you alert on the email?
(11,925 posts)I posted it without name in GD.
(32,884 posts)in the lower left hand corner. I would also suggest you send a PM directly to Skinner and EarlG. See "Contact" below.
Good luck.
(55,655 posts)Not sure if GD is a very supportive environment.
Go to your mailbox. Open the PM. At the bottom (left I think) you'll see an alert thing. Click on that and explain the situation that the person sent it to you knowing that you are rape survivor, that it frightens you, and however else you feel (without insulting the guy). The administrators will see it.
My heart is with you. Please take care of yourself.
(32,884 posts)LadyHawkAZ
(6,199 posts)I'm not going to lock it. It may be slightly Meta, but it's not outside our SOP.
FedUpWithIt All
(4,442 posts)Remember, the sickness lies only with him. What a pathetic thing to try and do. Do not allow the fucker to rent any space in your head. That space is too valuable and precious.
I agree with the people here who are suggesting you talk with someone in person. It helps to be able to look someone in the eyes sometimes.
I am sorry that you were the one who had to take out the garbage.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)I wish there were some magic words that could lessen your pain but there aren't any.
I also wish that more people understood about triggers and the pain caused when they are pulled. Please just know that there are many of us here for you. (((hug)))