Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forumObama Says Warren On Trade Sounds Like Palin Touting Death Panels
http://crooksandliars.com/2015/04/obama-says-warren-trade-sounds-palinThen, on a Friday conference call with reporters the President complained about people like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders saying, "Every single one of the critics who I hear saying, this is a secret deal, or send out emails to their fundraising base saying theyre working to prevent this secret deal, can walk over today and read the text of the agreement. Theres nothing secret about it.
In fact, the TPP is still secret, but parts of it have leaked. It will remain secret from the public until shortly before it is voted on in Congress.
The "death panel" remark is reported in The Hill, "Obama: Liberal trade critics don't know what they're talking about"
Has this man ever listened to Sarah Palin and her death panel bull shit?

Response to Autumn (Original post)
polichick This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,038 posts)Where does one have to go to read it? And why must anyone have to go anywhere to read it? There has been a trend lately to post shit that isn't secret in a Web page..
(3,121 posts)Autumn
(47,451 posts)RiverLover
(7,830 posts)That's the Third Way's way.
(8,159 posts)What's happened to him! Dr Jeckel, Mr Hyde comes to mind!!!!!
At this point I believe the Dems coming out against this. I'm very concerned who Obama is working for!
(31,493 posts)newfie11
(8,159 posts)From the frying pan into the fire!
(34,589 posts)@#$%ing Extreme Left with their "facts" and "reality".
(31,493 posts)GeorgeGist
(25,481 posts)on WMDs.
(7,321 posts)(I was trying to create the pi symbol using my alt keys but it doesn't look like it worked out too well.. oh well.. )
anyway... WHAT YOU SAID!!

(36,392 posts)Since the midterms he seems to have abandoned the pretense of being a democrat
(6,323 posts)I extremely dislike his Third Way antics but when he says stuff like this. I can't even describe how I feel on DU.
What's with his desperation to get this through?
(21,044 posts)You infer quite a lot. Not that there's anything wrong with inference.
(84,711 posts)I'm beginning to think he doesn't even know what the TPP is. Either he hasn't been involved in the negotiations and just gets briefs from an Advisor or two...or, he wants a "hands off" in case things go badly down the road, or something and can claim he was "misinformed." Who are these people with their "fundraising base" that he's so worked up about?