Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forum"Democrats need Elizabeth Warren"
by H.A. Goodman
In two years, America might have its first female president. However, Democrats around the country should jettison conventional wisdom and look beyond Hillary Clinton. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) is by far the most compelling Democratic candidate and The Boston Globe is absolutely right; she should run for the White House. Warren represents the best that Democrats have to offer in 2016, in addition to the fact that she can type an email without it causing a nationwide scandal.
First, some polls have the Massachusetts senator ahead of the former secretary of State. Warren ranked ahead of Clinton and GOP competition in a 2014 Quinnipiac poll centered on a heat index that measures favorability:
Elizabeth Warren Generates Most Heat
Number one today is U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, at 48.6 degrees
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is second with 47.8 degrees and only 1 percent don't know enough about her
Its important to note that this data was taken last year, before Clintons email scandal cost her support in recent surveys and before Warrens ascent within the Democratic Party. Its also important to note that the 2014 Quinnipiac favorability poll is different from the recent 2015 poll that states Hillary wipes everyone out. This latest poll doesnt mention the heat index and focuses primarily on New York voters. While Clinton has the name recognition today, Warren has two years to build on her reputation as a champion of the middle class....
...Warren continued: Paul Ryan says dont blame Wall Street: the guys who made billions of dollars cheating American families. Dont blame decades of deregulation that took the cops off the beat while the big banks looted the American economy
And to a standing ovation, Warren declared: That may be Paul Ryans vision of how America works, but that is not our vision of this great country.
Can you imagine Wall Street Republicans dark secret making those statements? Hillary Clinton has raised $328,755,858 with Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan as her top donors....
...Hillary Clintons momentum wont last for two years with Emailgate threatening to become a bigger issue. According to FOIA expert Nick Gass in POLITICO, Clintons email system was laughable because theres no doubt that the scheme she established was a blatant circumvention of the Freedom of Information Act. As with anything related to the Internet, email, or technology in 2015, its entirely possible that further revelations surface about Clintons misuse of her private home server, or any number of other unforeseen issues that could hurt Democrats.
Elizabeth Warren, not Hillary Clinton, personifies the true value system of most Democrats. Hillary might be ahead in certain polls, but Warren is rising and already has a major newspaper championing her as one of the best Democratic candidates in 2016. Elizabeth Warren should make a run for the White House since America, and the Democratic Party, will thank her for doing so.

(5,787 posts)And we all know that won't happen with Hillary.
(24,896 posts)You never know.
(7,419 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,896 posts)And if you can't join em, they'll beat you over the head til you do.
(25,840 posts)reading my Harpers April addition on great articles, there was one about Citi group, and as I was reading the article and also reading The Divide by Matt Tiabbi and his great book I was thinking,
I have Warrens back and I will do what I can to have her run, to bring these issues to the fore front, because we the public are getting all of the ooh's and aah's of Clinton and nothing but the same talking points from the right wing corporatist of greed and the "third way" as a solutions-----wrong.
Look no further than legislation that one DINO business Congressman from Maryland (6th District)who wants to fast track---called SOCIAL SECURITY and have a MEANS TEST, with a right wing republican ---amazing, they just don't care, that action should be asked to Clinton, Warren, Sanders, Brown, O'Malley, Walker, Old Jebby, Rubio, Cruz and others.
I pretty much know the answers from the right and the third way, but I support Warren, Brown, O'Malley, Sanders and other progressives
I trust Warren and any other progressive before I will trust Clinton and the editorial pieces from the Boston Globe got it right with there endorsement, we don't need a rubber stamp candidate we need a Congress and president to straighten out this mess, and we need a president that will nominate progressives to the U.S. Supreme Court bench and federal benches, this next election has an back burner issue of "four" justices, three right wingers and "one" progressive over 75, society cannot take another right wing republican stacking the bench or the courts with a continuation of the corruption of Citizen United, and the continued attack on society as a whole--------Elizabeth I can't or don't have 328 million but I have something to help you, me and my society and I will send what I can, I cannot afford a plate of food for 50,000 dollars to corrupt our government further, our government should not be based on a plate of potatoes, broccoli and steak, and talk of gutting and cutting for greed and blaming the have not's being in the way of the have's and there greed
(7,830 posts)

(25,840 posts)I have always held the belief of what John Kennedy said:
"There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction"
"Once you say you're going to settle for second, that's what happens to you in life, I find."
And Delaney ( d- 6th District Congressman Maryland and r-Tom Cole OK) are being watched and a letter has been sent to both of these yahoo's from the
"National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare" and I strongly believe that we as a society should be Co-signers on the letter, and I am encouraging everyone to read there March 26, 2015 release and ask what we can do to help.
There are more of us than these two hypocrites, because that is what they are hypocrites and the media should be bringing this organization front and center on this issue, and challenging these two fast track hypocrites for answers and not the same old right wing DINO talking points, and republican talking points, these two are doing and end game just like they did with Hassert and Delay when it came to the Post Office---no debate just a voice vote, that's not how this system works, there has been NO committee hearings none----this is outrageous, we need to have our collective voice heard, and I mean heard
Thank you
(1,489 posts)Even staunch supporters like radio host Jeff Santos are saying it is time to redirect from Liz to a new progressive.
If she runs, I will send more money than ever before.
(24,896 posts)tazkcmo
(7,419 posts)I was disappointed but still glad she's on our side. There's still Sen. Sanders (though I get the feeling he'd prefer not to) and who knows who else will emerge between now and the primaries. We can only do what we can do and we can't force Sen. Warren to run.
(9,651 posts)Dems to Win
(2,161 posts)I want Democrats to WIN, and I think Warren is our best shot. Hope she's listening!
mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)certainot
(9,090 posts)ignore the right's best weapon.
if she ran the left would continue to allow 1000 think tank scripted radio stations take free pot shots at her all day long, generating anti-warren 'outrage', and enabling and intimidating the MSM into treating her like shit, ignoring the real issues, and giving anti-warren liars and hacks free rein. just like it has for the clintons, and just like it did for obama. and even if she won she'd face very similar obstruction as obama has for exactly the same reason.
until the 'left' stops ignoring republican radio it doesn't deserve nor should 'it' get candidates like warren.
(7,830 posts)They're going batshit crazy over Hillary right now. The problem is its based in reality, in her case.
Any candidate on the LEFT, you know Democrats, will be crucified by the Right. Right Wing Radio. Its implied by its very name.
(9,090 posts)much of the rest of it, going back to when the left let limbaugh and sons derail her early attempts at national health care- we'd have single payer years ago.
The problem is its based in reality, in her case.really?
even the 'left' is so steeped in that alternate reality that benghazi emails are actually an issue to them.
yes they will all be crucified by rw radio while the 'left' walks by the blowhards with their fingers in their ears. to so many on the left it's a given, the water they swim in, and so we continue, considering the time lost on global warming, the biggest mistake in political history, and then whine about how the right and the MSM determines where the political center is, what and who is 'acceptable' in'american' politics, and then when we get lucky with an obama he becomes practically ineffective.
the left lets that happen, and doesn't deserve someone like warren.
the left ignores the right's/oigarch's most effective political weapon.
see other answer below for ways the left could destroy the rw radio advantage
(7,830 posts)by wiping her email server clean of all evidence? Most likely to do with foreign donations & favors...
Geesh. Have you been around the last 2 weeks?
(9,090 posts)it doesn't matter what clinton does or says, we let the right define her the way we will let the right define warren.
foreign donations? for an international aid organization? how strange. how much foreign money ends up in all of our politics as it is? bush gets to hold hands with saudis and fly them out of the country during a no fly period after 911, and this and a few other sites are the only places it gets any notice.
she did the right thing, otherwise the pouty outrage from the right would have dominated the next two years as they took every personal email out of context and blasted the country with more total certitude from blowhards like limbaugh and hannity as they told the country what hillary's real intentions were.
i'm glad she did that.
(7,830 posts)Not me.
And she is the only cabinet member ever to not have both a .gov email account & a personal email account, at least since the internet came along. Worse, she is the only state department head to deal with foreign countries while also accepting donations from them. I imagine she had much to hide.
What ever was/is in those emails was more damaging than the fall out from scrubbing her server, so they must be pretty bad. She's not stupid, she weighed the pros & the cons...
With all the lawsuits ag her now & the congressional hearings to come & all those secret dealings out there waiting to come to light, RW Radio peeps must be salivating. Their rantings about her have only just begun.
(9,090 posts)and it will be the same with warren (fauxahontas, as limbaugh calls her)
and the other stuff is bullshit. you mean SHE was taking donations from foreigners while at state? or was it bill re his charity work- very good work by many standards.
really, this email stuff is rw bullshit, and you are spreading it. you want to help them suppress the vote? you're doing it!
i'd like warren in it but she says no, and a big part of that decision might be what i started with- by ignoring the right's best weapon the left lets the right sing "this is what you want, this is what you get" all day long, and the best people don't want to try. she could go down in a small plane crash, someone here could suggest it wasn't an accident and half the people here would be yelling CT!, wait for the NTSB! there was a storm in the area! the left will NOT be getting her back.
(7,830 posts)It is what it is. But I'm ashamed Democratic Leaders are OK with her shady, secretive, corrupt actions.
I look forward to looking at this whole Clinton era in the rearview mirror.
I don't care what RW radio says, its beyond my control. But at least with someone else, they'll have to manufacture a scandal. With the Clintons, they're served right up to them like a gift.
(7,419 posts)What do you suggest the "left" do about hate radio? My initial thought is nothing because the right will attack any candidate we run as that's it's whole purpose. As another poster has pointed out, HRC comes with her own baggage (some recently purchased).
Not being obtuse but what do you suggest be done about the "right's best weapon" and what candidate do you recommend?
(9,090 posts)universities that rent their sports mascots and community cred to rw radio stations. more than 90 major colleges crap all over their own mission statements by helping 270 or so limbaugh stations sell their lies racism misogyny public ed hate and global warming denial.
just getting a few of those stations to look for apolitical alts would shame others, and the rw radio monopoly would fall apart.
2) dem candidates and their supporters need to start recording and transcribing the main talkers so there is a readable searchable record so the patterns and repetition can be noted BEFORE it becomes a problem. when the right's media hacks and pols repeat the talking points, "limbaugh says that" should be a common response.there is no excuse for dem candidates to be playing catch up all the time. it needs to be exposed as the main tool the right uses to shortcircuit democratic feedback, create their alternate reality, and enable the irrational loons like palin and walker and cruz.
3) radio stations and/or universities that endorse them need to be regular places for picketing and protests- they - a few local blowhards can undo the work of thousands of activists and regularly do. for the national talkers that number is a lot higher. there is no reason student activists at one of those 90 unis (and many more) to ignore that their own unis are negating their activism (and the science of their scholars).
i would like warren, but for instance, the entire benghazi event is a prime eg of what rw radio can do when ignored. - that would not be taking up any of our time, like with so many distractions that depend entirely on the unchallenged buzz coming out of those radio stations.
(5,402 posts)Warren in 2016 is the only thing that makes sense at this point.