Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forumElizabeth Warren Gets Bigger Senate Platform for Her Populist Message
The Massachusetts senator has been named the top Democrat on a subcommittee of the Senate Banking panel focusing on economic policy, the committees ranking Democrat Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio said Friday.
The subcommittees wide-ranging jurisdiction includes economic growth, employment, price stability, and the Federal Reserves interest rate policy-making. Sharing the stage with Ms. Warren will be Republican Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada, a centrist who has worked with Democrats on some issues in the past and who has been named the subcommittees chairman.
Ms. Warrens rise to media prominence has been helped along by her tough questioning of witnesses at Senate Banking Committee hearings. Her grilling of top financial regulators in 2013 over why they didnt seek to put more big bank chiefs in jail quickly racked up more than a million hits on YouTube. Her new post will expand Ms. Warrens opportunity to flex those particular skills.
The subcommittee position is just the latest recognition of Ms. Warrens rising stature in the Democratic Party...

Proof there is Good in the World.

Love it! Love Liz!!!!!

(15,438 posts)That would make my day decade!
But this is a powerful position, too, and congrats are in order.
(7,830 posts)Decade.
(85,366 posts)Last edited Sun Jan 25, 2015, 03:32 PM - Edit history (1)
into that bigger megaphone. It gives her added credibility and clout. I would LOVE to see her as Senate Majority Leader or Majority Whip. Positions of REAL clout. Seems as though she's on her way there.
Interesting to see this evolution because it also is an outward sign that the Senate Dems (and others in the hierarchy on our side) are hearing those of us out here in the trenches. They're acknowledging this expanding movement, by elevating one of our movement leaders and heroes to positions where they can actually make bigger noise about these issues. It's a recognition of US - those of us pushing her name for President and calling ourselves members of the "Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party." And other such stuff. It's a good sign. They're FINALLY hearing us and FINALLY acknowledging the new reality - that those of us fans of Elizabeth Warren, who are making it VERY clear that she speaks for US - have been pushing. At long last, amazingly enough, they are responding - and responding positively!
And while I'm not directly one of those who wants her to run instead of Hillary, I still support everything Elizabeth Warren is doing, and saying, and advocating. It tells me HER views and HER messages on these issues are not only being heard, they're being taken more seriously. They're hearing us and responding positively and strategically. HER positions are starting to grow legs and gain traction. And it's a VERY wonderful thing that the powers that be on our side of the aisle have not ignored this. I think they're recognizing a changing political landscape and attempting to work WITH it, if not embrace it wholeheartedly (yet). But it sounds, to me, as though that, too, is coming. They can read the writing on the wall. And they're starting to get behind what that writing is demanding. They're not laughing or ignoring or paying mere lip-service to it anymore.
And THAT, in turn, tells me that OUR take on these issues is no longer being locked out. It's OUR take on these issues that's gaining ground, momentum, attention, and more legitimacy. It tells me that OUR take on these issues just might TAKE OVER.
(15,438 posts)Elizabeth Warren Minority Leader,and in 2016, Majority Leader.
In that position, she can stop any and all DINO bills coming from the White House, and block all TeaBagger bills from the House (until 2020 when we'll need to get out the vote and redraw district lines to be more fair and more representing of the American electorate who aren't exclusively TeaBaggers).
In the position of Senate Majority Leader, Senator Warren would rule supreme, and she would be more powerful than even the president. That's where she belongs. That platform will give her instant nationwide recognition and will showcase her very pro-American worker and pro-American families platform to the a-political in this country who need her insights.
She became the darling of the Left because she spoke sense and reason and did it with just enough passion to convince the doubtful and innately skeptic. She has that gravitas. She has natural youth, is attractive, speaks with a genteel tone unless riled, and speaks with precise and concise words. That's why I'd rather see Senator Warren as Senate Majority Leader rather than a president that can be hamstrung by a recalcitrant Senate and House. Our country desperately needs her in that position.
(24,655 posts)You are our only hope!!
(8,254 posts)that a she attained that position without approval of the GOP leadership?
(7,830 posts)funny that.
(8,254 posts)I dont' have the answers but I question all !
(7,699 posts)The yin and the yang (spelling?)
Christ and Satan.