Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forum'Run Warren Run' hires Iowa staff, opening campaign office
A liberal activist group that wants U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., to run for president in 2016 plans to open a campaign office in Des Moines and has announced the hiring of a state field director and four field organizers.
MoveOn.org Political Action says Blair Lawton, a graduate of Morningside College in Sioux City, will lead organizing efforts in Iowa. Lawton was the get-out-the-vote director in 2014 for the Alaska Democratic Coordinated Campaign and was a regional field director for President Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign in Iowa.
"With a year until the Iowa Caucuses, we're ready to show Sen. Warren that she has the grassroots support necessary to mount a successful campaign, and thousands of Iowans are ready for her vision of giving everyone a fighting chance," said Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action.
Warren has repeatedly said she won't run for president in 2016, but that hasn't deterred liberal activists from trying to launch an effort to draft her for a White House run.
The Run Warren Run campaign office is scheduled to open before the end of the month at 419 S.W. Eighth St. in Des Moines.

Faryn Balyncd
(5,125 posts)

(24,780 posts)Autumn
(47,451 posts)she has.
(7,830 posts)I hope those Iowans agree & show strong support for drafting her!
Never say never.
(40,416 posts)Plus, there are many Elizabeth Warren fans who see her as a formidable force in the US Senate, where she seems to be happy... And gaining power... And has a rather loud voice.
How many times does she have to say no?
It's no! Get over it and embrace the horror of the GOP who will have to deal with Liz on the Senate floor.
Gees, Louise! Some people's delusions just won't go away. Liz is going to be an awesome Senator, if we let her.
(7,830 posts)Do you plan on doing this with every thread, as we keep up-to-date on the Draft Warren effort?
Be honest.
I want to know if we need to ban you for a while.
(40,416 posts)I will pose the question I posed the other day.
Is this an Elizabeth Warren support group (which I wholeheartedly support).
Or is this a group who only posits Elizabeth Warren as a Presidential candidate, which she has clearly and repeatedly stated that she is not interested in?
I support Elizabeth Warren unequivocally. Others here apparently think she is equivocating, or something, about her repeated denials. I would prefer having an Elizabeth Warren who does not equivocate.
This is where I make my stand in my support for Warren. If I thought she was equivocating, my support would not be as strong. I confess that I have a problem with such ethical issues.
Where do other Elizabeth Warren supporters stand on this? Is she just lying when she says she is not interested in running for POTUS?
This is an important issue here. Because some apparently cannot separate support for Liz from a wish for her to run as President. I choose to support her, and her decision. So why would you ban me unless this was the Elizabeth Warren for President Group. If it is that, you won't need to ban me; I will gladly go away.
Plus, I rather like her as a US Senator. God only knows that we need her there.
(7,830 posts)Write them and tell them they're delusional, or say it in the GD forum, where all the fighting is/ We're done here.
(11,197 posts)They are exercising their right to free speech. If Warren doesn't want to run in spite of their best efforts, then she doesn't, simple as that. However, I fail to see the harm in allowing them to try, or why you go to such great lengths in your posts to point out how she has said she isn't running, and to infer her supporters are delusional. Warren is a Democrat, and she just happens to be the KIND of Democrat that most of the base has been waiting a long time to see. Let them have their say; it's been a long time coming.
(13,570 posts)djean111
(14,255 posts)It is delusional of you to think you can tell others what to do. Also rude.
(7,830 posts)You about covered it. Thanks djean!
(7,638 posts)Bless their hearts!
(13,570 posts)Hulk
(6,699 posts)...she would bring Main Street issues and the corruption of Wall Street and "the bought congress-pigs" to the forefront. I'd LOVE to see her and Bernie Sanders in the debate. Neither stands a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding, but they need to be heard!...even if they were to run on an "independent ticket", and then fold at election time. IF they were to run on an independent ticket, they would fook the Democratic candidate, and the repuKKKes would own eternity in this pathetic nation. We are one swirl away from being down the shitter now.
(6,852 posts)To the old Sherman statement. This is a waste of time
(7,830 posts)iandhr
(6,852 posts)Not the Senator.