Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forumElizabeth Warren: 'People have hearts ......

SHE has heart and courage. She should be joined by every Democrat in Congress when she reminds us that Corporations are not People ... because even some of our Dems appear to believe that most ridiculous fairy tale.
This was her response to a statement by Mitt Romney regarding Corporations being People.
Thanks Elizabeth Warren for saying that ....

(65,820 posts)how "corporations are people" and she retorted with this? THAT would win an election for her...hands down...
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)in this country and because most of our politicians are so cold and calculating and 'careful' to phrase everything so cautiously, this is what people want to hear. That their government DOES understand they are human beings, not just 'votes' to court for a few weeks or months, only to be forgotten again when the election is over.
(65,820 posts)The idea that he thought "everybody" knew that was just crazy.
However, this gives me hope. The advisers around Republican presidential campaigns seem to be REALLY out of touch with what is going on in the country today. If that practice holds, the pukes better watch out. They are going to get their asses fried in yet another presidential election...
Bad Granny
(28 posts)which the rich and powerful get and keep power, and wealth.
That is its ONLY function.
Our lives are determined by how successful the 1% are in exerting control - good for them means death, poverty and destruction for us.
Only if EVERY Democrat in Congress had the values and positions of Sen. Warren would we stand a chance of saving this nation from crashing into oblivion - and even then, it would not be easy.
In fighting the right, we have tried logic, reason, civilized debate and compromise. That obviously does not work since they do not respond well to facts and other forms of reality.
We have screamed and voiced our heart-felt opinions in an attempt to reach whatever "humanity" still exists on the right. That obviously does not work since there is no humanity left in the enemy across the aisle.
We have gotten angry, to no avail.
We have cried, with no response from the enemy except ridicule and hatred.
Frankly, I do not see any path forward that enables us to progress to the future we deserve.
The way is blocked and they cannot be reasoned with.
Senator Warren is saying a lot of the correct things.
We will have to wait to see how much influence she has and how much WE really want to change this country.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)be casting votes FOR Republican policies, and yet, that is what happens. A total revolt against their policies is what is needed and it just doesn't happen. See what happened this past week with the TPP. If 13 Dems had listened to Warren, Repubs would not have had enough votes.
But they always do, just enough to get their rotten ideas passed. Which makes it obvious by now, that as many people have said, the 'game is rigged'. Obviously politicians are not worried about what the people think, those 13 KNEW their base would be angry but it didn't matter.
The President has said a couple of occasions now that he is 'willing to go against my ow party' to pass stuff he KNOWS the people who elected them, do not want.
If things are going to change, the voters have to change their tactics also.
So long as we continue voting for the lesser evil, which they KNOW we will, they will keep on voting WITH the greater evil. And that means new tactics have to be found.
(14,395 posts)In the perfect world, all of these profound, important, and BS cutting statements coming from Warren would be instead coming from Hillary.
I wish we could combine the popularity of Hillary, her family name and pedigree, with the mind and passion of Warren, and we'd have such a fantastic candidate. But alas, the one that has the principles and the courage to speak for them, is not running, and the one that runs from disturbing the status quo and remains disturbingly silent on the important issues, is the one most likely up for office.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)about, or was. People! Now it has been taken over by Corporatists with Wall St money flowing into it to make sure it stays out of the hands of people like Warren.
And if we don't support her when the attacks escalate, and they have started already, it will be our own fault when we have no where to go anymore.
(22,845 posts)kicked and recommended
(39,215 posts)TBF
(35,055 posts)but we are living with a capitalist economic system in which feelings aren't rewarded - only profit is rewarded. "It's just business"