Creating Community for Young Interfaith Couples

Joshua and Reshma Stone combine Hindu and Jewish traditions at their interfaith wedding and say they intend to teach their baby about both of their faiths.
November 12, 2014
By: Amishai Gottlieb
When Michael Vogel and Fernanda Loya first met a year ago, they were instantly smitten with each other.
But they also quickly discovered a major difference that could potentially stand in the way of their budding romance — he’s Jewish and she’s Catholic.
“We realized we had incredible chemistry and really cared about each other and were a great fit, but we also immediately jumped to, ‘Well, what would we do if we were together and had a family?’ ” said Vogel, who grew up in Elkins Park, where he attended Beth Sholom Congregation, a Conservative synagogue, and Gratz College’s program for high school students.
Ultimately, Vogel, 35, and Loya, 29, decided it was worth navigating those complicated questions to continue their relationship.