Interfaith Panel Attempts to Bridge Gap On Social Issues From Klinghoffer To Ferguson
5:28 pm
Mon October 20, 2014
By Willis Ryder Arnold
Some St. Louis faith leaders hope past conversations about social issues will inform public response to the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson. These leaders view the act of conversation an act of changing the future.
“There is a moment of social transformation that is possible here right now and if we don’t take and make the best of this moment we may regret it for a long time,” said the Rev. David Greenhaw, president of Eden Thological Seminary. “We have a chance to take some very hard and wrong things and make them better.”
Greenhaw one of the panelists at the Arts and Faith St. Louis panel: From Klinghoffer to Ferguson to Beyond.
Brian Mulligan as Leon Klinghoffer and Nancy Maultsby as Marilyn Klinghoffer in Opera Theatre of St. Louis' 2011 production of The Death of Klinghoffer.