Leahy sponsors bill to outlaw straw purchasing and gun trafficking
WASHINGTON The Senate Judiciary Committee, on a bipartisan vote, Thursday approved legislation authored by Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and coauthored by Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) that would for the first time explicitly make illegal the abusive practice of straw purchasing and trafficking of firearms. The committee vote is the firstlegislative vote on measures related to gun violence in either the Senate or the House since the Newtown tragedy,and it comes amid a markup session scheduled by Leahy on four gun-related bills, including the Leahy-Collins Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act.
The bill goes after gun traffickers and closes a gaping loophole to background checks by also penalizing straw purchasers, who buy firearms for another person who is prohibited from obtaining one on his own.
The practice of straw purchasing firearms is undertaken for one reason-to get a gun into the hands of someone who is prohibited from having one, Leahy said at the Committees executive business meeting. We know that many guns used in criminal activities are acquired through straw purchases. We need a meaningful solution to this serious problem.
Law enforcement officials have consistently called for a firearms trafficking statute that can be effective to go after straw purchasers, Leahy said. What we need to do now isto create better law enforcement tools. I urge all Senators to join with us to close a dangerous loophole in the law that Mexican drug cartels, gangs and other criminals have exploited for too long.
More: http://vtdigger.org/2013/03/10/leahy-sponsors-bill-to-outlaw-straw-purchasing-and-gun-trafficking/

(17,502 posts)and has been since 1968. Why not make the current law a mandatory min instead of just a couple of years of probation?
(7,981 posts)Under the existing laws, the only crime is making a false statement on a firearms transaction record.
(10,136 posts)
(7,981 posts)gejohnston
(17,502 posts)That is the question that makes straw purchasing a crime. Still can get you up to ten years.
Where is the lie or obfuscation? Is the ATF a branch of the NRA? Without someone who better understands the gun laws, how do you know the media is doing a decent job of explaining the issue, since the media is generally lazy.
(7,981 posts)There will be hosts in place for this group in the next few days and I will be lobbying to block members who use NRA lies and obfuscation to derail discussions.
(17,502 posts)or example of obfuscation? But, if you feel you need an echo chamber go for it.
(22,144 posts)Now here is another: Feds rarely prosecute such crimes even when charges are brought by law enforcement
(20,709 posts)difficult to get convictions and prison sentences.
And yes, "it's already illegal" is a talking point that is used by the NRA to oppose the gun trafficking statute that both law enforcement officers and prosecutors have stated is needed.
(20,709 posts)Currently straw purchasers are charged for "lying and buying", a law which is difficult to prosecute. The need for a dedicated anti-gun-trafficking statute is something that prosecutors and law enforcement officers have been pointing out for years.
The NRA, of course, is opposed to this as part of it's program to make gun laws as difficult to enforce as possible.
(17,502 posts)can you show any evidence of your claim? Can you show how it would be any easier to enforce than "lying and buying"?