We need hosts!
This discussion thread was locked by Robb (a host of the Gun Control Reform Activism group).
We already have pro-gun, anti-regulation members in here mucking things up.
I think we should start a poll or thread to elect a group host and nominate additional hosts on Monday when there should be more traffic and more participants.
I, for one, will be lobbying to block any members who use the NRA tactics in this group to derail discussions. Those arguments can be made in the gungeon where they are allowed.

Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)Tx4obama
(36,974 posts)ZombieHorde
(29,047 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)WyldWold
And Robb. I would, however, point out to Robb this is not meant to be the Gungeon redux. Debates about the value of gun control an still go on in RKBA. This forum is meant to promote activism for gun control. Gun owners who support that are very much valued. Those who do not should take their objections to RKBA. That is part of the SOP that everyone agreed to when I first proposed this group in Meta shortly after Sandyhook.
4 hosts is not too many given the amount of traffic this group as already experienced.
(53,661 posts)Hope none of them mind...
(55,655 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)I thought WW was already in charge. I do know that the first host approves the rest. And several wanted Robb to be the first. But many people may be out and about now, as I will be next Sunday, since I decided to go you-know-where.
(55,655 posts)And yes, multiple hosts are good to accommodate differing schedules.
(27,773 posts)The lead host than makes the others hosts.
(49,445 posts)Once the lead host is named, the Admins should not need to ever get involved again unless the lead host gets nuked or dies or something.
(12,751 posts)post here on DU under false or deceptive pretenses because they feel that there should not be one place on the face of the internet that is not soaked with the right-wing, pro-NRA view regarding their precious popguns, but there can't even be a sub-forum on a progressive discussion board relatively free of that same right-wing, pro-NRA view: it is literally in your face, bub.
I agree with a lot of other posters that group hosts, when we have them, should tread lightly on locking OP's, and that for offensive OP's we should rely more on the jury system. But mark my words: I know this crowd, and have been dealing with them for years on Democratic Underground. They will do everything in their power to turn this place into "Gungeon 2," because they simply don't care about SOP's, TOS's, rules, none of that stuff, or they wouldn't be posting on Democratic Underground in the first place.
What they believe in is their dubious cause, everything else - from discussion board rules on a Democratic website to dead kids at Sandy Hook and everything in between - be damned.
So, I guess that was just a long-winded way of saying I agree with you 100%: we need hosts!
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)They aren't going to start lockable threads. Instead, as demonstrated already, they will just chime in with the usual NRA bullshit and standard tactics.
The hosts are going to have to ban a bunch at first.
(12,751 posts)do the right thing and adhere to the SOP and keep their pro-NRA horseshit limited to the rest of DU. They simply think that there is not a single nook or cranny of DU that should be free of the right-wing bilge when it comes to guns; for crying out loud, the "professor" is holding court in this new forum offering to "negotiate" ( ) their limiting violating the SOP of the place if only the vast majority of the rest of DU will do X, Y, & Z for the Gungeoneers, including allowing the pro-NRA Gungeon Host, aka the "Ibid King," the right to transform the Gungeon into a "safe haven" for right-wing, pro-NRA gun obsessives, which is neither in the SOP of the GCRKBA group nor what the Gungeon was meant for when it was set up.
It's really some brazen stuff.
I never thought they would do the right thing - after all, very few of them would be posting at DU if they were being honest about their actual political beliefs - but just never imagined how arrogantly they would brazenly flip their metaphorical middle fingers at the SOP of this safe haven forum from the git-go. You are exactly right: the new Hosts are going to have to ban a bunch of them from the outset.
(12,751 posts)that has turned the Gungeon into a gun lobby playpen, and they are making no bones about it.
I hope we get Hosts soon.
(3,291 posts)Those opposed?
Response to SecularMotion (Original post)
hack89 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(72,300 posts)Remmah2
(3,291 posts)Why, are there parasites?
(55,655 posts)That is how this site works.
(3,291 posts)
(12,751 posts)

Response to SecularMotion (Original post)
graham4anything This message was self-deleted by its author.
(33,647 posts)premium
(3,731 posts)Wyldwolf has already been appointed Host along with Robb and ellisonz.
Congrats to the new Hosts and good luck.
(20,234 posts)I think you should be required to show proof of insurance to purchase ammunition.
I am not sure what you are looking for in a Host, and I am not volunteering.
(55,655 posts)If you believe in them, you are welcome to participate. The hosts have been chosen for right now.