Why we can't have nice things part 2.
This is legal, it can be bought in any gun store with a background check.

This is not legal, it's barrel is too short and it is regulated under the National Firearms Act as a 'short barrel rifle' (SBR).

This is legal. It is not a short barrel rifle, it is a pistol. It is available over the counter at any gun store with the standard background check. It is equipped with an arm brace which is a legal accessory.

Can you see the differences between a SBR and a pistol with an arm brace? Yeah, me neither.
What's the big deal with an SBR? A rifle is more accurate, more easily controlled and more lethal than a pistol for a variety of reasons. A SBR is easily concealed compared to a full length rifle.
These 'pistols' are useless for 'self defense' or sport shooting. They are strictly designed to be easily concealed so as to penetrate a target and create maximum casualties in minimum time.
It's past time to stop pussy footing around and act on the FUNCTIONALITY that makes weapons deadly, not some picayune definition. Make all semi auto weapons that are easily and quickly reloaded illegal on the civilian market.
This epidemic has no vaccine. It's up to us, you and me, to bring this insanity under control. Join an anti gun violence organization of your choice. Give money, join, go to meetings, write letters to the editor and your representatives. Make your voice heard.
Part 1 here: