If you own numerous guns to protect yourself from government tyranny,
you might be delusional. The US military and the US Government will not be deterred by your relatively small number of weapons. To believe that you can hold off the US military in your own house is further evidence that you might be delusional. Ask David Koresh.
If you tell me that you own a gun, or many guns, for personal protection, you might also be delusional. Unless you are awake 24/7, and never eat, sleep, shower or otherwise relax as you wait for the enemy to come in your front door, you cannot be alert 24/7 so this protection that you claim is an illusion.
If you tell me that you "need" all of these guns for any reason, you are further demonstrating in my view the possibility of your delusion.

(3,482 posts)In that much fear.Never owned a gun and have been so scared that I needed one.
(42,649 posts)But a weapon is not the answer, education and equality and opportunity are the answers.
(15,805 posts)Maybe its a mental health issue where reality is replaced by their vision of themselves as some sort of fictionalized Hollywood action hero? With a gun, suddenly they are transformed into a real badass, not the pudgey, unloved, poorly educated, pimply faced, unemployed loser with bad teeth that looks back at them from the mirror.
(54,770 posts)Same for law enforcement. I wonder how much we can rely on them with the likes of 3%ers, oathkeepers, bunny ranch militia, and worse. Plus, is trump going to give the order against these groups. And gunners know it too.
(42,649 posts)Can we reach them?