Gun control support surges in polls
Roughly 2 in 3 Americans now say gun control laws should be made more strict in the wake of the murder of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, according to a number of polls, including a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll that shows support for stricter gun laws among registered voters at 68 percent, compared with just 25 percent who oppose stricter gun laws.
It’s common for support for gun control to tick up in the aftermath of mass shootings. But there appears to be a clear trend in all the post-Parkland, Florida, polling: This time is different. The percentage of Americans who want more restrictive gun laws is greater now than after any other recent shooting.
Morning Consult polling goes back only two years, but support for stricter gun laws was at 58 percent following the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting that killed 49 people, 64 percent following the 2017 mass shooting that resulted in 58 deaths at a country-music festival in Las Vegas and 60 percent last November, after a shooter killed 26 people inside a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.
Second Amendment absolutists, NRA apologists, and Libertarian gun nuts all have said for years that Americans would never support any form of gun control. It seems that they are being shown to be wrong on their opinion of real Americans, as well as their "guns everywhere, for everyone" NRA mantra.
Enough is enough, and too many good Americans have died needlessly because of the greed of the NRA/ILA and the death merchants they represent.

Eliot Rosewater
(32,674 posts)Show them that it is absolutely constitutional and doable to restrict EVERY GUN to a well regulated militia and all will be well.
The rest of the civilized world already does this. With slight differences here and there.
(6,650 posts)to pointing out other countries' gun control success stories is, "they don't have a Second Amendment." The fallacy in that argument is that our Second Amendment does not preclude sensible regulation of deadly weapons, and is NOT absolute.
(189,244 posts)That's been my take on this. We try all knives of things in eligibility for benefits, things affecting th military, tax cuts etc. al we hear is OH THAT WON'T WORK but we don't actually give anything a chance. Yes I realize that this is an NRA stalling tactic (like semantics and expressing their gun knowledge) and that money/fear rule.
(23,152 posts)This is eye opening. We idolized gun violence until it becomes real.
I was reminded today of this piece from a few years ago: Guns With History - Saviolo