Feeling sick when your toddler has "active shooter" drills at school? Hiding, hoping to stay safe
Feeling sick when your kid or grandkid has active shooter drills at school? Reply here for solidarity.

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(6,916 posts)Because the NRA and GOP need gun identity politics for votes and for profits for gun CEOs, our kids and grandkids have to practice hiding from shooters.
This is not what democracy stands for. This is not what America stands for.
If you don't speak up now to be part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)Just don't have it in me among other reasons, I honestly think I would consider it right now if I had school-aged children. We had Columbine here in Colorado when they were young and of course I worried a lot since then, but with the nearly weekly occurrences presently, I'd want them home with me. I'd give up a job even.
(6,916 posts)We should all try not to homeschool. We want our kids to learn about how the world works (which naturally leads to them becoming liberals, unless they are billionaires). But I understand the sentiment.
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)And I didn't do it. The few mothers that I knew in the neighborhood who home-schooled were religious fundamentalists and their children, frankly, were stupid and not one went to college (one kid ended up in prison). I'm just saying if I had school-aged kids now, it's something I would consider. I'd be a nervous wreck.
(12,858 posts)Most of boasts re how homeschooled kids do so great on SATs, etc, are based on kids from this type of homeschooling.
RW groups then started pushing homeschooling and dominated the movement.
(6,916 posts)Homeschooled right-wing kids are so brainwashed, it's crazy. Sad for them - their parents were worried they'd learn about how the world works and become liberals.
(12,858 posts)She grew up in a Religious Right family and church. She has many stories about the shocks she experienced when she went to college and exited the bubble.
One of the most interesting is the story of how she grew from a kid at antiabortion rallys to her present prochoice activism9.
Having grown up in that culture, her insights into the Duggar family are eye-opening.
She has links to webpages run by people who grew up in RW home schools.
(12,587 posts)It's really nice for parents who have the option to work or stay home. Millions of Americans don't have that choice.
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)It's not do-able for most of us. We probably would have had to sell our house and our modest lifestyle would have taken a huge hit, although I guess I was lucky enough to have the option had I so chosen. Plus, as much as I love my boys, I more than likely would have lost my mind.
(52,672 posts)I had to begin doing it three weeks after Sandy Hook with my first graders. The kids are pretty good when it comes to listening to the teacher and following instructions too. A few times I had the DARE officer from when I taught 6th grade come to my first grade classes and practice safety. I learned that those little legs can out run a grown man and they are great at making sharp turns. Their high pitched screams are pretty effective at scaring an adult as well. I was impressed after the first lesson and repeated it the following year with my next class.