For the NRA, the price of freedom is endless gun deaths.
The NRA reflexively opposes any regulations on the sale and possession of weapons of death.
The NRA reflexively opposes any politician who even hints at favoring regulations on the weapons of death.
The NRA backs up that opposition with an energized, if tiny, membership that is willing to phone, text, and email anyone who dares to suggest that the huge number of gun deaths might have any relationship to the huge numbers of weapons of death in this country.
The NRA is backed up by a SCOTUS that stands with the manufacturers of weapons of death, a SCOTUS that stands against the American people, a SCOTUS that does not allow weapons if death in their own building.
So when we read the endless stream of stories involving gun deaths and shootings, families of the victims should repeat this comforting mantra: gun deaths are the price of freedom.
Feel better, families of victims?

50 Shades Of Blue
(11,081 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)RainCaster
(12,269 posts)It servers their own interest to have us kill each other in such a "patriotic" manner.
(42,649 posts)DBoon
(23,541 posts)They call it watering the tree of liberty, but their idea of resisting tyranny is to threaten the murder of us got workers
A retired Federal worker.
(6,649 posts)been promoted by the GOP and its leaders from the beginning of the Trump dictatorship takeover of our government. It is also endorsed by some gun promoters on DU.
(42,649 posts)Mass killings are profitable for the manufacturers of weapons of death, and fear sells even more weapons of death.