Milwaukee Police Officer Rips Wisconsin Gun Laws
Milwaukee Chief Of Police completely dismantles a horrifying gun law that's backed by the NRA. We need more of this.
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(632 posts)
(66,269 posts)Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)Fuck you NRA, a leader on the front lines blames you and your puppet politicians for the carnage. And he is clearly right.
Let Fox and the NRA be "outraged", for more visibility.
(17,289 posts)there have been many occasions where different "police associations" (chiefs, state police, sheriff associations, etc.) have come out supporting different proposed "positive" gun reform acts (better background checks, limits on automated weapons, etc.) and are usually shot down (oh, wait, perhaps a bad choice of words there!).
Who should we listen to:
1. NRA
2. Professionals responsible for our safety
I guess we have legislatures that are making that decision for us!
(39,151 posts)Just a few minutes long - worth the time to watch!
(6,649 posts)But this is not only happening in Milwaukee, it's happening everywhere that the NRA/ILA/ALEC/GOA gun manufacturer's cabal of criminals has raised their ugly "Second Amendment" and alt-right White Supremacist heads.
Their marketing ploy of selling fear is stoking the flames of gun violence. The Chief correctly points out that due to the insane propaganda spewed out by the right wing gun lobby, and the ease of obtaining a lethal weapon, minor arguments and insults turn into gun fights.
To those so-called "Democrats" who call for the Democratic Party to remove gun control from its platform, I say fuck all of you Second Amendment absolutists and NRA/ILA enablers. When a career criminal can obtain a concealed carry permit, when a teenager believes that a gun will solve their problems, and when national gun violence claims more lives daily than most mass shootings in this country -- we need more control over who can legally purchase guns, and where they can carry them.
Support the Democratic Party platform, and numerous organizations aimed at reducing the gun violence epidemic in this country. Support common sense, and a goal of ridding our streets and communities of gun madness.