Husbands Are Deadlier Than Terrorists
Above all, fear spouses: Husbands are incomparably more deadly in America than jihadist terrorists.
And husbands are so deadly in part because in America they have ready access to firearms, even when they have a history of violence. In other countries, brutish husbands put wives in hospitals; in America, they put them in graves.
Yet Trump is raging about a risk from refugees that seems manageable, even as he talks about relaxing rules on another threat, guns, that is infinitely more lethal.
I will get rid of gun-free zones on schools, Trump said last year. My first day, it gets signed, O.K., my first day. Trump hasnt in fact signed such an order, but his education secretary, Betsy DeVos, backed him up at her confirmation hearing last month, saying that guns might be necessary in schools because of potential grizzlies.
Too many guns in the hands of too many sociopaths means too many gun injuries and deaths. Trump "supporters" are looking for an excuse to use their guns against other Americans, and now the courts are our only defense. Support gun control organizations, and Democratic politicians who support gun control measures.
We need to take our country back from the neoconservative, right-wing gun crazies who are the root of gun violence in this country.

(55,028 posts)And guns make husbands a lot deadlier.
(6,650 posts)who claim that a gun in the home is necessary "insurance" against a home invasion, when statistically it will be 22 times more likely for it to cause a suicide, a homicide, or an accidental gun death than it will be used for self-defense.
What kind of insurance can be purchased to compensate for a gun being used for its intended and designed purpose, which is to kill a living being?
(11,862 posts)What can possibly go wrong?
(6,650 posts)obsess about their precious, and see mean old Democratic boogeymen coming to take the center of their fully locked and loaded universe away, are already suspect, and 31,000 Americans die for that paranoia every year.
That's what has already gone wrong, and it's only going to get worse.
mountain grammy
(27,579 posts)Women are afraid men will kill them.