Right Wing Neo-Nazis With Guns
This article has been posted elsewhere on DU, but the political implications behind the story should be the real focus.
In its article, the "Daily Stormer" called for an "old fashioned Troll Storm" against community members and published their names and phone numbers along with yellow Jewish stars superimposed over their photographs. It also said that because of gun laws in Montana, "we can easily march through the center of the town carrying high-powered rifles."
The website contains many anti-Semitic descriptions and images of Jews, but said it does not endorse violence.
Spencer is the president of the National Policy Institute, a think tank within the alt-right movement, which includes neo-Nazis and white supremacists. In a video posted online by the Atlantic Monthly magazine, some institute members could be seen hailing Trump's election victory with Nazi-era salutes after Spencer addressed the group at its conference last month in Washington, D.C.
Spencer has said on Twitter he might pursue Zinke's House of Representatives seat if Zinke is confirmed as Trump's interior secretary.
"Responsible" gun owners plan to use high-powered rifles to intimidate US citizens who are different from them, and all in the name of their hero -- The Trumpster. This is the epitome of the right-wing, racist, bigoted gun culture in this country. People who support the "rights" of these racists to "keep and bear arms" are nothing more than right-wing NRA/Trump enablers.
Trump supporters who would threaten other US citizens with lethal weapons are terrorists plain and simple.

(2,876 posts)Keep kicked and rec'd.
(66,282 posts)no_hypocrisy
(50,579 posts)matt819
(10,749 posts)The response from government leaders in Montana has largely been one of silence. Sure, a press statement or two, but nothing particularly harsh.
As for the cowardice and stupidity, consider a few facts:
These neo-Nazis are marching in a town of 6,000.
According to this link (http://www.bestplaces.net/religion/city/montana/whitefish), .11% of these residents are Jewish. Do the math. Not a lot of people.
Hey, neo-Nazis, try marching large Jewish communities. Go to NYC and march in Hasidic neighborhoods - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/18/nyregion/brooklyns-private-jewish-patrols-wield-power-some-call-them-bullies.html?_r=0. Go to NYC and march on Fifth Avenue and see how the 3,000 Jews in the NYPD respond - http://forward.com/news/212852/inside-the-heads-hearts-and-yarmulkes-of-jewish-co/.
All of that said, the words of Edmund Burke resonate today, in the United States: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Close to 65 million Americans voted for reason and sanity. Among them are good men and women, an obvious fact this is meaningless if, in the face of events like these, they do nothing.
Baitball Blogger
(49,491 posts)the right to remove those guns from them, or, at least limit the ones they can purchase.
That's hate talk, they're talking about.
(6,650 posts)tell us that we must tolerate this kind of gun violence because "Freedom" and "Liberty" and Second Amendment. Contrary to the 5-4 right-wing SCOTUS decision in Heller, most thinking Americans believe, and strongly support, more stringent gun control measures to curtail and prevent atrocities like this fine example of "responsible" gun owners.