Mom Fatally Shot in Front of 8-Year-Old Son on Mother's Day
Louisville Metro Police Department Lt. Todd Kessinger tells news outlets that the boy was present when 27-year-old Angelina Pressley was shot multiple times in the parking lot of her apartment complex early Sunday. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
Police have not named a suspect in the slaying, which occurred in the city's Okolona neighborhood.
Kessinger says the boy told investigators he was excited to give his mother the necklace to celebrate Mother's Day.
Once again, a readily available gun was the first choice in solving a problem, and the 8-year-old will live with this for the rest of his life. To the right-wing gun humpers this is just another example of the price society has to pay for their right to "protect" themselves from phantom boogeymen.

(122,596 posts)Cryptoad
(8,254 posts)how those KY "a idiot for every gun" law is working out?
(5,214 posts)And my most vivid recollection of the time was when the KKK had a parade down a major street. I doubt the place has changed but a bit
(54 posts)Here we go with the broad brush, again
I lived in Okolona my entire childhood.
Which major street did this parade take place. Was it Preston Highway, a major four lane highway that runs through Okolona? Or was it still a dirt road in the 70's? (sarcasm) Even back in "the olden days", free speech still existed and was constitutionally protected, no matter how vile it is (Trump).
My family lived there for decades. My grandpa ran a store during the depression. He went bankrupt. Was it from supporting Klan rallies? NO. He gave credit to a lot of people that had nothing so that they could eat. My grandmother used to make omelets for people that were hungry. They lost their store and had to start over. It didn't matter what color you were or WHO you were, if you were hungry, you got fed.
I publicly got into a very loud argument with a woman at the intersection of Valley Station Rd and Dixie Highway about busing when we wouldn't blow the horn to support their "protest". Whoops! I forgot I was supposed to be a knuckle-dragging racist with bare feet and pregnant to boot!
Oh, and BTW, Okolona HAS changed a lot. My childhood home has been replaced by a store. My grandmother's childhood home has been replaced by a store. Okolona looks like a city...paved roads, lots of stores and restaurants, people wearing shoes! Wheee doggies!
I haven't lived in Louisville (Okolona is a suburb, or was.) for 20 years and God do I miss it. You wanna see the people you think Okolona represents? Just move to Jesusland, they're everywhere!
I usually just lurk here. I came here many moons ago to get the REAL news. Ya know what I found out? Since I am from Kentucky (or the South, which KY really isn't, or is, no one knows) I am an idiot, a racist, a wingnut, a fundamentalist, a redneck, a hillbilly, AND stupid. There's that broad brush on steroids!
I have news for all of you (y'all?), racist, wingnut fundamentalists are IN EVERY STATE.
It's a good thing that I WON'T let a bunch of people that think, because of where I live and where I came from, that I am an idiot and useless, run me away. I will vote Democratic no matter what.
How many people have left this site (or not stayed) because the first thing they see is someone berating whatever group they came from?
My hometown has problems, all towns do, but I love it and always will.