DU Community Help
Related: About this forumPlease help with this little issue.
As long as I have been here this has never happened and I hesitate to ask because I just really know nothing about ANY of this so when it gets broke I am done.
There is an image attached to some posters that they are showing to us. I get most of them but never this one and this just started a month or a few ago. If you can tell me why and how to fix it I would be grateful. Here is the latest thread that image appears on. https://www.democraticunderground.com/100217858712
Thank you, this is the only thing I have ever really had not work in all these years!

(153,134 posts)Is it the avatar that groundloop is displaying? Or something else?
(29,941 posts)Is it the trump/hitler avatar?
(30,692 posts)
which is h t t p s : / / i m g u r . c o m / f Z 7 3 Y R K . j p g
jpegs are normally automatically displayed by most browsers. imgur is a web picture hosting site. The only odd thing is the inclusion of https instead of simple http. It is possible you do not have a signed certificate (self signed or other) with your browser.
That's all I can see from inspection of the page source.
(34,502 posts)I am totally unable to learn about these machines. I can do a whole lot of other complicated things but this computer information stuff runs in and out like it is greased.
I will spend some time investigating what you have said but right now it might as well be in Old Norse! Thank you for taking the time. I used to get everything without worrying. Dunno what I did....I sure do appreciate your time. THANK YOU!
(22,767 posts)It looks like a little box, outlined in gray with what looks like a torn piece of paper in it?
(34,502 posts)hippywife
(22,767 posts)when I'm on my desktop. To open the broken image link, right click on it and you'll get a drop down menu. From that, select "Open in new Tab (or may say window depending on your browser settings.) That will open the full image in the new tab/window so you can view it.
I also don't see the context from twitter posts, either- except when I'm using my phone rather than my computer, but my husband does. We both use Firefox on desktop, so I need to check my browser settings and see why.
ETA: husband just figured out that twitter links don't automatically display in a private/incognito browser, which I always use. I don't care, since I'm purposely not opening ANY twitter links.
(34,502 posts)I don't even have the same dialog to use so...I will keep trying to figure it out or not. It is only one person and they do not post these often enough for me to feel like I am losing anything. I am just too curious to not try to fix it.
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