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After nearly 8 years of absenteeism, I'm back. Formely known as the tenaciousradical. If not for DU, The Smirking Chimp, and The Rude Pundit, mentally, I would not have survived 8 years of G.W. Bush. The top 10 conservative idiots and all the like minded peeps here at DU, simply put, you helped me keep my sanity.
Shortly after President Obama was elected the first time, I needed a break. Knowing what was sure to come, Republican obstructionism to everything he would propose, had i stayed, I would have most likely had a nervous breakdown. The little bit of right wing nonsense I was exposed to over the last 8 years, helped me keep my sanity. Limiting my exposure to the hatred they had for President Obama, i KEPT MY HEAD CLEAR.. Exposure to the likes of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and the flaming, bag of shit named Dick Cheney, who would occasionally come out from under his rock, well, it was enough to make me puke.
So after many years of being surrounded by a geographical sea of red, I chose to be surrounded by a sea of blue. I moved to Hawaii to decompress, it worked. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has given me an appreciation for G.W Bush. Donald Trump is a freaking mad man, every bit as evil as Dick Cheney
Once again I find myself needing the therapy that only the people of DU and The Rude Pundit can provide. Its refreshing to once again be surrounded by so many intelligent people. People who know just how toxic and dangerous the right wing has become.
Never in my life have I been more disgusted with a Presidential candidate. His character first and foremost, should have disqualified him from even being considered a viable candidate. The fact he's as dumb as a box of his very own hair, cements that fact. I get great joy in watching his ego destroy not only him and his candidacy, but to watch the Republicans being consumed by his big, fat, ego, gives me a mental orgasm!
Watching Hillary Rodham Clinton pound this bully into the ground, well, it's fuggin delicious.

(27 posts)To keep our sanity amidst the madness! Welcome!
(104 posts)thankfully, less than 3 weeks left of this election madness. Then 4 years of right wing obstructionism.