DU Community Help
Related: About this forumThere should be an adult way to permanently close a DU account.
My understanding has been that the only way to close an account is to create a gobbledy password, but I've tried that twice without success.
Seriously, we joined as adults, let us exit as adults. Have a close function!!
If there is one that I don't know about, please inform.

(1,249 posts)4now
(1,596 posts)grntuscarora
(1,249 posts)I site searched and got nothing except changing passwords to ones you can't possibly remember. Seriously, if there is an ADULT way to do it, please share.
(1,596 posts)I don't have an answer but here is a bump. Maybe somebody else will know.
(1,249 posts)I didn't get it either.
(20,176 posts)
(14,685 posts)canetoad
(18,737 posts)I laugh every time that's reposted.
(8,547 posts)What would be accomplished with a newly created 'close account' function that doesn't happen by people simply logging out of DU (on all their devices) and then just never logging in again?
(5,141 posts)It's probably like breaking up with someone; you want to tell them why instead of just ghosting. Perhaps it's a largely masturbatory exercise, but it also could help Skinner retain star members or help with membership in general if he was made aware of issues - outside of the usual primary infighting - that may help him keep the ship afloat financially.
I guess it would sort of be like hitting the "walk" on the light-post to cross the street--we're pretty sure it doesn't do shit, but it makes us feel better.
(479 posts)Response to Make7 (Reply #9)
LiberalArkie This message was self-deleted by its author.
(8,547 posts)Wouldn't that just be an invitation for people to post all kinds of ridiculous crap and then when the trail is too obvious for anyone to miss, they just hit the "I Am Done Trolling You" button to erase their entire history and sign up with a new account to start all over again?
What percentage of the board would become "Account Self-Deleted By User" posts? 20%? 30%? Reading old threads would be interesting - if you could still figure out what the conversation was about...
Perhaps adults should realize that when they post things on a public message board on the internet, people will be able to read what they say for years to come.
[div class="excerpt" style="margin-right:3px; border:1px solid #bfbfbf; border-radius:0.4615em; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #bfbfbf inset;"]Opt-Out and Modification of Provided Information
Democratic Underground users may request that their personal information be deleted from Site records by sending an email to mail@democraticunderground.com. The Site will remove personally identifiable information from its records for any user that requests removal, provided that the users account remains inactive for seven days. Any user whose information is removed from Site records shall thereafter be bound by rules for All Users, as provided above, except that information in the public domain, such as a users forum posts while a Registered User, will not be deleted from the Sites records.
[font style="font-size:0.85em;"]http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=privacy[/font]
(135,425 posts)A ton of cellphones were ruined back in the early days of mobile phones when people would "bang down the receiver" like we used to do on sturdy MA BELL landlines!!
People like to be dramatic...."I'm GOING.....and I'll never darken your towels AGAIN! Harrrumpppph! So THERE!!!!!!"
Without the opportunity to sanctimoniously push a button, there's no "Harrumph" factor there. Much easier to just leave, and if you don't want to come back, either change the password or the email address to something that is pure garbage and move on.
(82,333 posts)
(5,141 posts)That fish is a beautiful creature compared to that talking meat puppet.
Poor Mr. Fishy.
(135,425 posts)LanternWaste
(37,748 posts)"we joined as adults, let us exit as adults..."
Exiting DU as an adult merely means a cessation in posting without explanation, rant, apology or diatribe.
(11,949 posts)It is not enough to leave. There needs to be a big production to highlight how the wicked establishment has run them off this one great site.
It is kind of funny that they are forced to ignobly leave!
(86 posts)Honest questions get childish response.
Don't want to be tempted to violate your TOS out of respect. (bites tongue)
(15 posts)that when you create a gobbledygook password, you're not supposed to write it down?
For real, how does someone create a gobbledygook password and successfully remember it?
Adult way to leave DU - log out and never log back in
Semi-adult way to leave DU - create a gobbledygook password by closing your eyes and typing random letters and numbers. Or have a 5 year old neighbor kid do it and make him promise never to divulge what he typed in.
Crybaby way to leave DU - whine about not being able to leave in an adult way.

(135,425 posts)If you don't have a "real" email address, they can't send you a temporary password if you've forgotten your old one.
So change the email address to WaahWaahWaahImLeavingSoThereBeeCuzIHateDUNow@aol.com ... or something on those lines....
(36,594 posts)PoliticAverse
(26,366 posts)zipplewrath
(16,695 posts)And the reality is that they have no interest in providing such a feature. They only want to remove those people that reduce their numbers. If you want to reduce them by merely one, they have no interest. The bottom line is that any web site wants to advertise the maximum number of participants, not the nominal. The advertisers are pushing back, but in the end I suspect they care little about who "Leaves" and more about who comes back. Those are the "eys" that are the most "profitable".
(39,379 posts)Otherwise you'd have sites all over the internet claiming 10 billion members.
The only numbers advertisers pay attention to are page views and ad clicks. Their own software counts those.
Unnecessary and childish drama has been a consistent problem here on DU. A "delete my account now!" button would only add to that drama.
DU has had other features, since removed, that provoked unnecessary and childish drama, for examples, "unrecommends" and visible ignore list counts.
I know certain people would love to claw back all their words before they exit, but how would that make DU a better place?
Just as it is in "the real world," sometimes the wisest choice is to simply walk away.