DU Community Help
Related: About this forumYou've found the new Welcome & Help forum. I'm Skinner, one of the Administrators here at DU.
We've been here on our new software for a few months now, and the admins have been focused on making a bunch of upgrades and fixes to the software. But now we want to focus on doing things to help foster a sense of community -- to get to know each other, to welcome new members into the fold, and to provide help and support to each other. With this in mind, we have created this new Welcome & Help Forum. We hope all of our members -- both new and old -- will take some time to introduce yourselves and to say hello to other DUers who have taken the time to post in here as well. Be sure to make a special effort to welcome our new members.
My name is David, but here on DU I generally prefer to go by my username Skinner. I am the owner of Democratic Underground, and one of the three Administrators here on DU. (The other two are EarlG and Elad.) Here's the classic DU Admin photo, which was taken years ago and has been posted here a hundred times:
Democratic Underground was launched many years ago, on the very day George W. Bush took the oath of office to become President. For our first eight years, our shared contempt for the illegitimate, unelected moron in the White House was the glue that held our community together. Now he is long gone (Thank God), but DU is still here. The election of President Obama in 2008 represented a fairly significant change for our country and for Democratic Underground as well, where we have found ourselves in the unfamiliar position of picking sides and disagreeing about the president. Personally, I am a big fan of President Obama, and I think he's done a good job in his first term. I am very much looking forward to voting for him again, and I can't wait for his second term (fingers crossed).
I have spent a quarter of my life running this website, and I intend to spend much more time doing so. I was 29 years old when DU started, and I am 40 now. Over the last 11 years since DU was founded, I got married to an amazing woman, and had three sons. Here is a recent pic of my boys:
Jack (left) is 3; Isaac (middle) is 9 months; Lucas (right) is 5. And we've still got this guy:
Romeo is 12 or 13 years old now, and these days he spends most of his time lounging outside in the sun.
I love my job, and I am so thankful for all the great people we have here on DU. I look forward to getting to know all of you.

(30,994 posts)grantcart
(53,061 posts)uppityperson
(115,916 posts)Renew Deal
(83,637 posts)
(57,272 posts)Love the picture of your kids.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)
We are frozen in time forever...
boston bean
(36,720 posts)
And that's not a bad thing!!

(6,152 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Back in the days when we actually got our radio over the air.
(39,375 posts)
(9,605 posts)Who's gonna trust 3 teenagers????
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)
(975 posts)Hello all. I've posted a lot here and elsewhere, but I constantly run into things I don't know what they mean. Would someone please give a hand (no, not applause), and tell me what these mean?
"Fanned and Faved"
There are others but I will stop here.
(57,936 posts)"K&R" means Kicked and Recommended, that is a way of saying you like something and you want to push the thread up and maybe get it to go to the Greatest Page and be shared with more people.
I have Googled "EOM" many times and just don't get the concept. I think it means "it's the end of the line" or, in other words, "that's all I have to say", but why it is needed is beyond me.
I too would like to know what "fanned" means.
I figure "Faved" is short for favored, approved or admired.
Welcome to DU. Hope you enjoy it here.
(60,025 posts)Actually, I have used it for years, verbally and online, to mean:
" I will not discuss this any further".
Sorta like hanging up the phone on an argumentative person.
Matter of fact, I used it yesterday, here on DU.
(57,936 posts)it takes a lot to get me to shut up. I love a good "discussion."
(3,845 posts)zeemike
(18,998 posts)Same as saying that is all I have to say.
(57,936 posts)OriginalGeek
(12,132 posts)if you see it in a subject line you know you don't need to click on the message - all that is said is there in the subject.
same as nt (no text)
(13,782 posts)eom
(3,759 posts)I was going to be clever and put EOM on the title and just leave the body blank but I decided to be more clear and less clever.
People put EOM at teh end of a title (or nt or n/t) to say that the complete message is in the header and there's no need to look at the body. It's more appropriate for email where it might take a few seconds to open the email just to see no additional text. But it is helpful in a forum if you are just scanning the titles. If you see a title like
Correlation is not causation eom
You may understand the point or you may not but you know there's no point in opening the body of the message to get clarification because there is none there.
On edit: I should have read the rest of the thread because now I've seen this has already been explained adequately.
(60,025 posts)altho there may be other meanings.
(975 posts)Someone "fanned" something I wrote on HuffPo. I didn't know if that was bad or good. I still don't.
(62,683 posts)gateley
(62,683 posts)You'd use it in the subject line, for instance, if you had a quick pithy remark and you didn't type anything in the body. That way people know they don't have to click to see more of what you wrote -- they know by the EOM there IS no more.
For example: I so agree with the Original Post! EOM
See? also nt or n/t (probably others) stands for "no text" - which means the same thing.
K&R means Kicked and Recommended. Just the mere fact of posting "kicks" a thread up. When you like a post and you want to Recommend it but don't feel like actually saying anything, a K&R will do.
I am the worst at explaining things, but I noticed no one had responded. Hope someone more concise and clear comes along.
See you around!!
(1,043 posts)Fanned : "I like this comment so much, I have become a "fan" of yours." On HuffPo, someone who has said that has hit the button to "follow" you, or "become a fan," I forget which.
Faved: "I have hit the "favorite" button." This one seems redundant, unless somebody has both "fanned & faved" a comment.
I think I was overthinking "fanned." I was thinking it was like fanning the flames, as though I'd built a fire and they were making it bigger. Thanks for the kick in the head. Now I totally get it. Thanks!!!
(24,740 posts)The time flies by too quickly. Your sons are all adorable & I know they must be very entertaining.
And here's something for Romeo:
Thanks so much, Skinner!!!

(18,998 posts)You want to give him a heart attack?
(24,740 posts)
(62,683 posts)mehrrh
(233 posts)DU is a site I check every day -- thanks for the good work.
(31,743 posts)But I didn't know you let that picture of yourselves get out in the open any more.
(28,705 posts)
You have 3 squids now??!! It's like real life when your neighbors' kids start sending graduation announcements and wedding invites. Even though your kids are grown it seems impossible other peoples kids you knew as babies could be anywhere near as old!
(14,414 posts)before you know it they'll be graduating high school (like our twins are in about two weeks)
Thank you so much for all your work, and also Earl and Elad, and others, that makes DU such a great site! It's the first place many of us turn to for news, feedback, analysis, spouting off, and dare I say it 'community' (I know, sad huh?)
I would add to that insightful group: my fellow DUers... who know so much more than I, and usually restrain from telling me... (but I KNOW their eyes are rolling!)
I will think about writing up a brief intro soon, but for now
(35,586 posts)This is a good idea,having this forum.
(41,832 posts)except the troll, Paulites, Republicans, birthers, troublemakers and assorted other cranks.
(43,142 posts)We used to do a lot of 'welcome' and help threads in those first couple of DU1 years.
Thanks for the memories and the place to hang out all this time, Boss!
(63,645 posts)
I seem to remember that EarlG had a giant spank graphic somewhere. I'll have to ask him if he knows where it went.
(22,762 posts)
(37,549 posts)My brain scrambled those words....wasn't expecting a mere smilie....
(18,998 posts)Has it really been that long?
I remember first seeing you penned in the "free speech" cage holding a sign that said Democraticunderground.com...and it made me go there...I think it was you but it could have been EarlG...
What a long strange trip it has been...and some times the lights all shining on me...other times I can hardly see...
(43,203 posts)This place keeps getting better all the time.

(536 posts)now I know where all the funding goes………….Your Wardrobes!!
(14,807 posts)They jumped straight in with sharing.
I make a pledge to read a newer DUers post's each day.
(32,825 posts)The site has matured over the years and acquired a certain amount of gravitas. I've gotten old, fat and half-bald. At least have the decency to show a few grey hairs.
(10,745 posts)xxqqqzme
(14,887 posts)I hardly ever go to the lounge so I'll try to check in here more often. At the end of March I realized I'd been coming here for 10 years! That's longer than I've lived in some cities.
Your kids certainly are cute. My baby (35) had a baby. Gotta shower them w/ hugs, love & kisses.
(4,982 posts)....you guys are way handsome and the little Democrats are adorable - both the two and four-legged ones! Love the torn shirt, Elad! Doesn't Skinner pay you enough money to at least get a new T-shirt? LOL!
I joined DU shortly after the fly-drawing turd known as George W. was appointed king - back in - I dunno, 2001 or so? I used to be known as 'Triana' here until Gibbers decided to toss a bitter comment at Obama's more progressive supporters calling them "Professional Leftists" because he felt we picked on Obama so badly. After that, I adopted the Professionalleftist handle in protest, or sarcasm, or whatever. I can't smack Gibbers upside the head physically, so that will have to do.
I've been here long enough to know that without a shred of doubt you guys have done an amazing job here! Incredible. Congratulations on the success of this site and all you've accomplished both professionally (leftist even) and personally.
(53,475 posts)hifiguy
(33,688 posts)

Where else would we all go if not for DU?

(47,446 posts)Cute kids and crew there too.
You might want to pin this thread to the top...just for a while.
(5,178 posts)Best site on the intertubes.
(2 posts)Glad to find this and looking forward to finding all the hidden gems of your site!! I'm in California - very active politically here. I am a Cold War era veteran and a member of quite a few liberal veteran groups.
(63,645 posts)We're glad to have you here!
When you get up to 10 posts, I hope you will please come start your own thread in this Welcome forum so we can all give you a proper welcome.
(221 posts)Robb
(39,665 posts)Seems appropriate to mention. Well done.
(10,558 posts)not pandering, just stating a fact. KnR
(24,047 posts)Adorable kids and chihuahua! Thanks for creating, molding, and maintaining DU--it's the best! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
(68,918 posts)
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)I've recently started watching the x-files? Is that where you got your username?
(27,773 posts)Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)Thanks! As you might have guessed from my previous posts, I usually wait around a decade or two before watching TV shows and I haven't gotten around to the Simpsons yet. Seriously! This way I only watch proven quality, but it makes me speak as though I came from a time capsule.
I got the first season of Lost in the mail and hope to start soon. Don't spoil it for me
(27,773 posts)The Simpsons has been on TV for 2 decades. It's probably the greatest animated television show of all time (Charlie Brown excepted)
Arkansas Granny
(31,944 posts)state, I credit DU with helping me hold on to what little sanity I still possess. Keep up the good work. You guys are great!
Historic NY
(38,599 posts)tawadi
(2,110 posts)And Romeo is sweet too.
(3,491 posts)nolabear
(43,626 posts)Cute nerds, but...
I feel like a relative newcomer at jiust four years or so, but I can't say enough about how well you guys wrangle us all. Thank you mightily.
(49,929 posts)been at this for so long and you're still motivated and involved.
And the kids are adorable!
(10,893 posts)if it weren't for * getting elected in 2000, this site wouldn't have existed? I guess we owe him a big thank you.
(53,521 posts)TahitiNut
(71,611 posts)It's been a short 10 years since I "found" y'all ... and still haven't made it to DC to do brewskis with ya. Soon. (Hopefully.)
(47,992 posts)Rhiannon12866
(229,750 posts)If not, I think we should take up a collection...
(22,541 posts)Looks like those 2 were using pinking shears on each others' hair and Elad was spending his money at the barber shop.
(229,750 posts)I'll chip in for the shirt and I'm sure somebody here does hair...
(53,061 posts)It is synonymous with
Einstein, ability, accomplishment, acumen, acuteness, adept, aptitude, aptness, astuteness, bent, brain, brilliance, capability, capacity, creativity, discernment, endowment, expert, faculty, flair, grasp, head, imagination, inclination, ingenuity, inspiration, intelligence, inventiveness, knack, mature, originality, percipience, perspicacity, power, precocity, prodigy, propensity, prowess, reach, sagacity, superability, talent, turn, understanding, virtuoso, wisdom in its conception.
Really, its a great idea, just can't say enough about how great an idea it is.
(475 posts)
Ashley Hames, British TV presenter and wannabe porn star.
Warning: Any Google searches on his name are likely to be NSFW
(1,437 posts)very much on here. I have been here quite a while and rarely post, but it is the first site I check for news and other great stuff that this site has to offer. Every issue is explored whether political or not and it's a great resource for information and is chock full of intelligent people posting and debating things they know a great deal about. I have learned a lot reading these forums and the links people offer in the posts. Keep it up Skinner, Elad and EarlG!!
(16,903 posts)you have three adorable boys, what more can you ask for?
(4,033 posts)be? I've been around for a long time, not sure of the date but probably after * was appointed. Haven't been able to post much in the last 2 years. I've been taking care of my daughter during that time 24/7. She's so ill and bedridden it breaks my heart. The medical community has not been helpful. I wonder what happened to intellectual or professional curiosity - they all seem to have none. If they can't treat it with a pill or it doesn't show up on a test - it doesn't exist. Amen, next patient.
I'm on here daily, mostly to keep my sanity about the crap I read and hear. The real shame is our kids/grand kids will never know how great this country was and still can be.
To all three of you, my gratitude and admiration. Keep up the great work.
(69,306 posts)I can never thank you enough for this site, Skinner. You and DU helped me survive the B*sh years; those awful, awful years...
(55,096 posts)Thanks for posting the pics and for DU as well.
(31,011 posts)sibelian
(7,804 posts)It's a really good idea...
Riveting Rosie
(2 posts)
Guess I shouldn't have wandered straight into Meta - and the big gravedancing thread that's currently all the rage, to boot. I guess my post was a bit over the top, but it felt good getting it off my chest.
Well, for my second post I figured I should say hello, but turns out I couldn't start my own topic here yet:
"You don't have enough posts to start new threads. Please reply to some threads first."
So I guess this thread is the next best thing: HELLO!

In my state, I don't have much to hope for in this election year. I live in one of the very few solidly Democratic counties, but it's probably a pipe dream to think Obama could carry the state. And neither Thune or the Palin clone we sent to the House are up for re-election and thus can't be given the boot. Still, I hope Obama will get re-elected, and I think he probably will. Like Skinner I think he's done a good job overall, but I do harbor some disappointment over opportunities lost, and what I view to be an in some cases almost maddeningly poor record on civil liberties. It's probably nothing I will go into further though, since I didn't come here to post negative things about our president in an election year - and I view the alternative to Obama as too terrifying to think I really have a choice as to how I will vote.
So, here's hoping for an exciting remainder of the year, and that DU - along with all other Democrats - will have reason to celebrate come November!

Esra Star
(2,169 posts)welcome you to DU.
You already know it gets a little crazy, but it's a good ride.
Sid Smells
(1 post)Here goes my first post then :
I wanted to start a new thread just asking "is DU.com right for me?"
I like the site, the threads are informative, lively, some times the debates get so hot they burn a hole in my monitor, compulsive reading.
My question "is DU.com right for me?" just comes from that it seems to concentrate on your domestic issues. That's kinda understandable as your mostly all (i think) in USA. But theres a big world beyond the USA. Your armed forces have seen most of it, respect to them.
I'm watching your election but have little faith in a country that chose G.W.Bush.
Obama got elected for the wrong reason but he seems to be trying to do the best he can of a bad lot.
So anyways .. i wanted to find unbiased, read between the lines news or views on news after reading nothing but my Dads right wing newspaper (The Daily Mail, he just bought the paper, he's not Rupert Murdoch).
Aljazeera.net gives alternative news and more world wide than my TV news : The BBC think the world has stopped to watch the Olympics. More going on in the world than people who can run fast, jump far?
To repeat .. i love this site. But is there any debates not USA specific? maybe i just in the wrong section. Back to work ..... anyone know how to un-block a sink?
Plunger dont work, chemicals dont work.
(18,184 posts)Go to the tab that says "Forums and Groups" and have a browse around.
Here's the UK Group, for example: http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=forum&id=1088
(41,318 posts)And there are forums on lots of specific issues. And 'LatestBreakingNews' gives headlines about news from all over the world, not just America.
I think if someone's not interested in American politics at all, this may not be the forum for you, as it is primarily an American, pro-Democrat forum, though many other issues come up. From a more British perspective you may be interested in Liberal Conspiracy (a leftwing blog; confusingly 'liberal' seems to be used here in the American sense), or in the campaigning organization 38 Degrees.
(177,382 posts)Paulie
(8,464 posts)I missed the first year. Whatever happened to the intern?????
(24,146 posts)i feel a bit for mrs. skinner
(7,805 posts)We are 2 weeks away from Mitt Romney being crowned the head GOP clown.
In 2001 - Bain Capital did some very bad things and I was there.
They are hiding from felony acts.
Would you please consider starting a new Thread?
Mitt Romney's Secrets & Lies
(3,894 posts)laserhaas
(7,805 posts)du Huh???
(10,044 posts)Instead of Leave It or Hide It, there should also be an option to move it.
Might have been last year; I was worried about the deep snow in Feb because the returning robins could find nothing to eat. So I went to GD and asked people to throw grapes out for the robins knowing that many people don't read "Pets"..
My post was taken and moved to "Pets" or somewhere, because it wasn't suitable for GD. I thought it was a damned emergency and our robins ate every grape I threw out....
I had to vote in a panel today where an instance came up where I wanted an option to move the thread, but did not want to hide it, but did not have that choice. So it stayed 3 - 3 and it really should have been moved. How come, Skinner?
(20 posts)I'm 18 yo and just graduated HS and am trying to find my political niche so I'm lurking.
(62,683 posts)your age!
Skeptical George
(26 posts)Hello.
(17 posts)Welcome aboard