Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumBring cats to protests!
JUNE 21 2013
(Posting this because of the image of the woman, not because I think that bringing cats to protests would stop the police from being exactly what they are...your cat would become frightened and flee, and in unknown surroundings, would likely hide, making it very difficult to recover...probabaly not a good idea at protests, unless you threw the cats at cops like the lady on the Simpsons, or had a cat launcher like Mayor Adam West. Evidently, we need Adam West...I'm not sure where I'm going with this but if Adam West is along for the ride, it's going to be good.)

(2,252 posts)...so I'll leave it up to you.
Yeah, our priorities are pretty screwed up most of the time. We've become a society, a culture, maybe even the whole species, that is so exposed to daily strife, tragedy, violence, hatred, and despair on a global scale that we often retreat into our personal shells.
Attempting to rescue a family member, a companion animal, is easy to understand. The problem is short term, the consequences are immediate - the family member survives or not, the rescuer succeeds, or fails, maybe dying as well.
I once had to wade through a short stretch of waist high want to swim my two dogs to safer ground when the house was surrounded by flood waters (which fortunately didn't rise to cause damage). I have never directly experienced a long term, massive threat to my family, home, health and community, like that posed by tar sands extraction - a situation where the possibilities of success are few and ill-defined, and the consequences of failure broad and
Greg Brown wrote:
I watched my country turn into a coast to coast strip mall
And I cried out in a song.
If we can do all that in thirty years, then please tell me you all,
Why does good change take so long?
Much earlier, Alvin Lee wrote a song that I think expresses similar sentiments: