Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumRon Paul...
well last night I got to cover the rally. It did answer one critical question for me from a political science point of view. The man haz it... the charisma that is. He exudes it from the stage.
So I got to interview a few of his followers, and scored an interview with a Republican Candidate for Senate, who is well aware of California's Prop 14, he needs to come in second place to challenge Dianne Feinstein in November. Only two top geters are in the November ballot regardless of party. (Watch that because it could be real fun with a couple of hot races)
Anyway, we in the media gaggle started comparing notes...
Followers will not vote for ANYBODY BUT RON PAUL. In November, they either stay home, or write him in. I did probe a couple times. Nope. They will not vote for that RINO, Romney... and of course, echo from Occupy, and they do have a point, like Occupy, the media, especially the national media, has mostly ignored Ron Paul, even when he was polling relatively well.
As to his son, not all know about Rand...
But Paul is convinced he is building a movement and that it is finally taking off.
As to number of attendees... it surprised me this late in the primary season. What about five thousand?
Oh let me add, some were Dems who were so disappointed with Obama it is not even funny.
In fact as Romney is concerned, there was a moment of tension, where some started screaming FUCK ROMNEY, and one pointed out, that they might have to vote for him in November. I was looking for a quick egress and the cops were on the radio.
And yes, he was counter protested by about fifty folks... now that takes guts. Oh and nobody was cited for having big sticks on their signs, a local ordinance that is rarely enforced.
Now I need to write my two stories on this... but there you have it...
Save the Fuck you know what... this is a report, that is all...

(47,992 posts)pound rotting gorilla in the room: our invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation known as Iraq and which resulted us either killing or being accessory to the murder of about 250K INNOCENT people and making orphans or refugees of about 3 million others?
I guess I should thank "god" for the anti-War support, but I MUST at least ask questions about "peace" people who NEEEEEEEEEDED a relatively successful political figure to give them permission to be against war.
(47,992 posts)WAR PROFITEERS.
(154,021 posts)but if you ask, a few of the attendees were from military families. And why? Well, they want the wars to come to an end.
As to this war profiteers, ready for a shake my world moment? If Paul, or anybody with his isolationist views, came to the WH... the profiteers would be left out in the cold.
This is one of the few things I like about him when he speaks of it. I am realistic and now no PRESIDENT currently could do that... and he even gets it why... thanks by the way, I need to add his comments on OBL and Empires to the article. They were correct, as in very correct... in any historical context.
(47,992 posts)hmmmm . . . I knew that I had good reason to mistrust "Anonymous". Anyone who can't step up and put their face/name on what they're pushing is part of the problem, not the solution.
(154,021 posts)nice attack by the way...
As in out in the cold it means US Policy oh circa 1920. It means NO EMPIRE, no WAR PROFITEERS, and in his particular case, no gun boat diplomacy either.
That is what Ron Paul wants to go to. In the current empire this is as impractical as it can be. Why NO WAR PROFITEER wants anybody with Ron Paul's isolationist policies in the WH, and they will tolerate A FEW in congress.
Like Ron Paul or not, he has been calling the Hawks and the Neocons on this since 2002... and he is RIGHT... being right does not mean I support him.
He is 20% sane and 80% non sane. His son is worst in that sense.
So I guess seeing that he may be right on SOMETHING means I support him.
Logic fail.
As in an incredible, blind and stupid logic fail.
Lao Tze wrote over three thousand year ago something you should take to heart... "know thy enemy, and you shall defeat him."
(47,992 posts)an attack on anyone to whom it applies.
And, if it does apply to you in some way, it is possible that I don't know something that, were your own objectives a little clearer, you could have told me, in order to correct the extent to which I am wrong.
You didn't do either one of those things.
What you did was attack me back. Speaking of logic, you just under-cut your own objection to what I said.
I'm up to my nose in RP-ers in the Occupy and they ARE hostile to Labor and that fact has cost our particular group a great deal.
And what LT said also goes for the enemy too, so when everyone is gaming everyone else with masks and pseudonyms, there's nothing to learn except the effect of an infinite hall of mirrors that reflect nothing but nothing. Perhaps you have heard/seen rumors around the internet that Anonymous was deliberately created, by some people with the ability to do such things, as an empty meme?
(154,021 posts)So who am I voting that I did not know I was voting for. Apparently I should have registered Republican last night... since California has a closed republican primary. What the hell, as an Indie either I take a non partisan ballot, a Democratic ballot or a green ballot... no Republican for ya.
And you prefer we do not report on a political story when it happens to come to town? Okie dokie. Next on the agenda, doggie stories... they are very popular by the way...
By this logic we should not have covered the Democratic Convention either, or the Occupy protest outside of it.
I will make a note of it.
(47,992 posts). . . all of the huzzah over Movement to Amend, for example, while Eliot Spitzer's perspective on those issues is regarded with hostility.
(154,021 posts)what part of MEDIA are you purposely missing?
So what else should we not report on?
I am serious.
As to move to amend, yup, covered them too when they came to town... next.
As to Occupy, I have extensively covered Occupy too... alas my local Occupy went to war internally, so they are MOSTLY IRRELEVANT at this point. Good news, the OTHER occupies in the county have picked up the slack and something. Surprise, perhaps, but two of them were behind the Move to Amend tour here.
Truth hurts sometimes.
(20,620 posts)I remember that.
Something to do with an irresponsible story printed in a local paper about a supposedly dead marine who had been dispatched to Syria on a "sooper duper secret mission."
Turned out he wasn't dead, he wasn't in Syria, and he wasn't even the rank that he claimed to be.
Suffice it to say, that kind of thing happens when Facebook is used as a source for news and articles are written by people who aren't journalists.
The best part was when the self-proclaimed "reporter" who wrote the fact-challenged piece decided, along with a handful of others who could not admit they were wrong, to have a memorial for the dead soldier who was alive.
Good times...
(47,992 posts)probably as an effect of their "aversion for war".
(154,021 posts)You are telling me things that I do not know, or 'thing.
Let me tell you I came across Ron Paul in a special orders session on the SPAN in 2002. I was going GO! He was ripping Neocons a new one. It was one of the most powerful speeches I have ever heard, given to three people... and the ten listening on the TV.
Now once you start reading on Ron, who IS NOT for nuclear weapons, even if his followers are... I had an almost allergic reaction.
Now why he is not for nukes is actually internally consistent. You cannot declare war and let lose with nukes in a MAD scenario...
But you can tell me all you want. You are attacking somebody for reporting from THE FIELD on an actual political story, because I suspect you'd rather we not cover it. That is my conclusion... I guess I should stop covering Occupy as well, how them apples?
Oh and Patrice, we cover BOTH for a reason that MIGHT JUST SHOCK you, they are news. We are neutral in this.
But it is up to you NOT to read them... head in sand, always healthy. And yes, I interviewed a few people, did not get into arguments... just asked questions and recorded answers... that is the way it is done. I am not there to get into arguments.
(20,620 posts)UnrepentantLiberal
(11,700 posts)ellisonz
(27,773 posts)UnrepentantLiberal
(11,700 posts)ellisonz
(27,773 posts)Edited for Gender Neutrality
Manufactured Consent
(10 posts)The idea that Romney 'won' is all manufactured consent. No one likes him...no one. Has anyone met a Republican that likes Romney?
There is so much evidence they have been stealing this primary at the state level, I am expecting(hoping!!!!) Ron Paul people to go postal at the Republican convention.
The elite are too good at what they do, buy the politicians, buy the polls, buy the corporate media, steal the elections....and no one stands up because the corporate media tells them it is so.
The original tea party based on Ron Paul's (non racist) beliefs...ending the wars, ending the drug war, ending the patriot act,the TSA....have more in common with Occupy that we have differences.
The corporate media has manufactured the idea that Ron Paul people are all crazy so we will dismiss them.
The elite's biggest fear is that Occupy Dems and Ron Paul Republicans will unite because deep down they know we are ALL right about their corruption/authoritarianism/hypocrisy and there are way more of US than there are of them.
Seeing you so worried about stepping on toes by suggesting that Ron Paul might have support.....just proves that Dems are just as bad as Republicans as far as trusting the corporate media to create their beliefs for them.
(53,339 posts)Beg pardon, I couldn't help laughing out loud at that. The use of parens suggests an attempt to distinguish Paul's "non-racist" beliefs from his racist beliefs, which is hilarious.
The guy's a fucking racist. Get over it, you moran. Oh, and welcome to DU, and enjoy your stay.
(27,773 posts)
(20,620 posts)Hope you liked your short visit here, Paulbot.
(154,021 posts)Ron Paul has a few problems with race. It is on the bloody record. No, the newsletters he authored and profited from are not a media creation.
Also for the record, there a few chasms between occupy and the tea party...oh see healthcare for all.