2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumI'm an accidental prophet
Three days ago, back on Sunday, 1/8, I wrote the following in my blog CajunsComments.com in an article entitled: Trump's Russian Motivations
Trump worries that the Russian hack de-legitimizeses his election. He ought to me more worried about how all of his statements, actions, associations, and appointments to date with regard to Putin and Russia makes it appear to anyone with a brain that his motivation is very personal.
Congressional committees should not only investigate the the Russian invasion of our democracy; they should delve deeply into Trump's motivations and his personal and financial relationships with Russians including the Russian oligarchs closely associated with Putin and Putin himself. Something very dark is driving Trump's bromance with Putin and the American public has a right to know what it is.
Quite by accident I can assure you, that article has proved to be very prophetic. My follow up article: Now We Know What Trump Has Been Hiding cites a Business Insider report which entitled: Report: Intel chiefs tell Trump that Russian operatives claim to have compromising information on him which contains the follow statements:
The intelligence officials gleaned their information from a former British intelligence operative who provided the FBI with a series of memos in August 2016 detailing how Russia has tried to cultivate Trump for at least five years.
The memos authored by the operative claim that the Trump campaign and the Kremlin had established an exchange of information of mutual benefit, and that Trumps lawyer, Michael Cohen, met secretly with Kremlin officials in Prague in August 2016. The memo also said that month earlier, Trumps adviser on foreign affairs, Carter Page, held secret meetings in Moscow with the president of Russias state-owned oil company and a senior Kremlin internal affairs official, according to the dossier
The operative claimed that Russian intelligence sources said they had compromised Trump during his visits to Moscow and could blackmail him with evidence of his conduct, which included perverted sexual acts arranged and monitored by the Russian federal security service (FSB). But the Russians, the operative says in the dossier, promised not to use the kompromat they hold on Trump as leverage, given high levels of voluntary cooperation forthcoming from his team.
We would do well to remember that all of this information was originally provided the former British operative to FBI and the Bureau was investigating the matter well before Election Day, but information about the investigation was not released by the FBI. Now we know what Harry Reed was complaining about in his letter to the FBI asking them to release the information he knew they had. According FBI Director Comey, he didnt release the information because he didnt want compromise the election. Given the information about on-going investigations that Comey did release, I am sure the irony of that statement is not lost on you.