2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumI've stopped throwing up which I have been doing since the election.
and I was able to keep down a little chicken broth and a cracker.
But it was bad last night and early this morning. Nothing was in my stomach but I gagged and retched constantly. I blame Trump's election.
Now I will throw myself in the shower and try to refresh for the days of struggle ahead. But I'm old now and tired a lot. I won't give up tho...

(159,690 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)I still get sick once a day at least.
(65,820 posts)I found the Festivus episode on Seinfeld and it raised my spirits, as Seinfeld always does. Poor Costanza, suffering his own father. Brilliant.
May you heal in the days ahead, Bravenak! We need you!
(34,648 posts)I hope you feel better soon, this season sucked
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)Maybe you should go to the doctor just to make sure you're ok, though.
(65,820 posts)hearing from patients throwing up. My nerve pain was intense over night and it has calmed down and I feel a bit better. I'm getting an implant on Jan. 4th to counteract the nerve pain. I can't wait...It's done in the short term surgery center at the hospital. It's outpatient so I 'll get home and can rest. I am looking forward to it ending this horrible pain...
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)Can they give you anything for nausea for now? I'm so sorry. Puking is the worst.
(65,820 posts)a corner on the nausea. Keeping fingers crossed...
(2,802 posts)I keep see sawing from normal disbelief in the surrealness of this whole thing to outright rage at how people could be so awful and stupid.
(22,236 posts)My hand is always on the remote ready to pull the trigger just in case I'm caught off guard. I did it for 8 years of Bush, so I can do it for however much time Trump's ugly face is shown.
(20,036 posts)I know coz I have new one.
Nausea. Vomiting. Burning. Lead in gut feeling. Weight loss.over full even drinking water...
Please get it checked out it needs agressive treatment.
I know just how u feel.
Kcuf the maggot.
(65,820 posts)going in to see my doc at 10:30 am. tomorrow. My mother had one and got over it, IIRC. Guess I'll get some meds and start healing this thing...
(78 posts)If this f^() waddle ....no.....we will get through this...FDR worked us through the bulk of the WWII yrs and Depression, LBJ after the assassination of JFK, BHO after Bush...this bottom feeder....a trained chimp could beat him in checkers....don't give "it" the power to make you sick...
Just stand up...carry on....
(65,820 posts)I used a cane today to go to the supermarket but found I could just as easily lean onto the shopping cart...it was good to get out and get some fresh air.
Maru Kitteh
(29,754 posts)Have you been in for a check-up? There are some medical conditions that can induce nausea. It would be best if you get yourself checked out just to be safe.
I'm really sorry the last couple months have been so wretched for you and you feel as poorly as you do.
Please do what you can to be well, and know that many of us out here are hoping you feel better soon.
(65,820 posts)grateful to my friend who yelled at me and practically made the phone call himself for me...