4 of the dead victims of Indianapolis mass shooting were Sikhs
Authorities said they were investigating what might have motivated the killer, whom they identified as Brandon Hole. He appeared to have fired his rifle at random, officials said, and the entire attack lasted no more than a couple of minutes. For hours afterward, relatives of those who had been at work at FedEx waited to learn whether their loved ones had lived or died.
Authorities identified the victims as Matthew R. Alexander, 32; Samaria Blackwell, 19; Amarjeet Johal, 66; Jaswinder Kaur, 64; Jaswinder Singh, 68; Amarjit Sekhon, 48; Karli Smith, 19; and John Weisert, 74. A family member gave a different age for Sekhon 49 and a different age and name spelling for Jasvinder Kaur, age 50.
At least four of those killed were members of the Sikh community in Indianapolis, according to the Sikh Coalition, a national advocacy group. Among them was Johal a hard worker who took night shifts at the FedEx facility to support her family, including at least three grandchildren, according to Gurpreet Singh, the president of her temple.
Johals granddaughter, Komal Chohan, said that she is heartbroken and that several other family members who work at the FedEx facility are traumatized.
My nani, my family and our families should not feel unsafe at work, at their place of worship or anywhere, Chohan said. Enough is enough our community has been through enough trauma.