Finding Rest in Illusion - Chapter 3
Continuing the previous series. There is peace here.
Longchenpa - Finding Rest in Illusion - The Chapter That is Like a Trick of Sight and Mirage
Eight similes of illusion
1. Dream: like a dream, objects perceived with the five senses are not there, but they appear through delusion
2. Magical illusion: like a magic illusion, things are made to appear due to the temporary coming together of causes and conditions
3. Hallucination or trompe-l'oeil: like a hallucination, things appear, yet there is nothing there
4. Mirage: like a mirage, things appear, but they are not real
5. Echo: like an echo, things can be perceived, but there is nothing there, either inside or outside
6. City of gandharvas: like a city of gandharvas, there is neither a dwelling nor anyone to dwell
7. Reflection: like a reflection, things appear, but have no reality of their own
8. Apparition: like an apparition, there are different types of appearances, but they are not really there
To add two modern examples:
9. Movie
10. Hologram