The Music Meditation Project with Charles Ramsey (xpost from the lounge)
This is a little group my wife and I have been meeting with for the past few months. The concept is music as a form of meditation. The goal is to focus all of your attention on the music and the moment. Charles is the only musician in the group who has any training beyond what we have learned in the group. You can play anything you want in any way you want. He has a variety of instruments that he brings along.
There has been as many as ten in the group. In varies from week to week. This week there were only three there- Charles, my wife, and me. We made a lot sound for just three people though. In the link to the blog you'll find recordings of our sessions. In this week's session I can be heard on the chanting track as the lowest voice in the group. Then we broke into a rhythmic jam. I'm on wood block initially then I switched to the scraper toward the end. Then we picked up some other instruments and played a 20 minute long jam. Charles was playing two instruments at once and so was my wife. I was on organ initially and then switch to the pot lid. It was one of our more mellow jams.
There is a lot of good stuff at Charles's blog including other sessions from our project.