Related: About this forumA loner's paradise
Found this place at the end of a dead end road - just got the keys for it 3 days ago!
Cross-posted from the Lounge

(13,509 posts).
One just for a teaser
(113,131 posts)because I'm a city person. I've always been a city person and I suppose I'll die a city person.
You can be just as alone in a big city, maybe moreso. All you have to do is close the door.
(13,509 posts).
I like space, fresh air, momma nature, etc.
So does my body - shoveling snow, dealing with gathering wood and water has kept me healthier than if I'd just been sitting in an apartment.
I'm a nature nut.
(46,179 posts)I live next to miles of public land, have 6 acres of my own at the end of a private dirt road, and the next-door-neighbor still irritates me. Not quiet.
My dream house would be in the very center of a square mile of my own, surrounded by many more miles of public land on all sides. Inaccessible, out of sight, out of hearing distance.
(13,509 posts).
I have not met him yet, but am told he is in his 70's, single and reclusive.
works for me!
(13,509 posts).
of the view from my front porch early in the morning.
I own 28 acres behind me,
mostly surrounded by crown land.
(13,509 posts).
That's a big Maple close to the house, and some other tree in front of it I haven't identified yet.
The above was taken close to the driveway facing the house and garages - yup - that's laundry on the line - got a washer/dryer - but momma nature does a better and cheaper job of drying this time of year.
Taken from the south, on top of a huge rock I intend to clean off
Taken from the west corner of the house, towards a clearing about an acre in size - Gardens and greenhouses next year! Still busy moving . . .
Facing East off my back deck
Facing south towards that rock I luv
same thing - just panned a bit.
T'was a beauty day . .
These pix were all taken June 4 2013.
(2,054 posts)You are really lucky to have found that spot.
(13,509 posts).
and yes, luck certainly smiled on me.
It's so quiet here, except for momma nature, birds, wind, rain on the roof etc.,
Every now and then I stop/listen - sumthing's different - - -
Rarely listen to the radio, some days music on the puter - no tv (don't miss it)
I'm just drinking this all in!
I got robins nesting nearby, and see them everyday. They really like my groomed yard!
Seen porcupine, black bear, racoon all within ten feet of my home.
The list will get longer . . .
Luv momma nature!
(13,509 posts).
Dat be gopher munching on my clover in my front yard right outside my front window.
I have a "critter" thread
Am I happy or what!
(13,509 posts).
Oh yes - as far as one can see, it's all mine - lot is 800 x 1600 feet - years to explore it all.
Went to town Wednesday - first time for a month - luv my peaceful home.
(13,509 posts).
(35,737 posts)i love that other winter picture with the snow. it's so beautiful (i love snow)
what made you want to move into such a reclusive spot?
(13,509 posts).
the other pic as she was leaving
and my present desktop
'twas so cold one morning my icicles got frost bit!
To your question what made me want to move to such a reclusive spot:
many reasons . .
I like space, the outdoors, nature - couldn't find 28 acres in town within my budget
Opportunity as well - this place came up for sale the same time I received an unexpected inheritance, so I jumped on it.
Having been a renter all my life, and dealing with landlords mostly not very nice people, I wanted no part of dealing with a landlord again.
one other wee thing,
my "dress code" would not be well received in town,
momma nature don't care
(35,737 posts)(be careful they don't pull down on the gutters)
between the inheritance and the timing for the property going up for sale it sounds like you were meant to be there.
it's probably the perfect spot for a "creative" (artist, writer, musician--i don't know if you are but i'm sure those surroundings bring you inspiration or a sense of rejuvenation at least.)
you're very fortunate