Smoke and Mirrors: The 60 Minutes 'Breakthrough' on Havana Syndrome Exposed
Never let facts get in the way of a good story.
—author unknown
Since 2019, journalist Scott Pelley has broadcast several segments for the CBS News magazine 60 Minutes on the so-called mystery of “Havana Syndrome”—an array of health complaints reported by American diplomats and intelligence officers since late 2016 that have been attributed to a directed energy weapon. Each of these programs has promoted the notion that American diplomats appear to have been victimized by a nefarious foreign actor. The most recent installment aired on Sunday, March 31 (Pelley 2024). The problem with these reports is that they intentionally omit vital information that would have cast serious doubt on the veracity of the claim that American citizens are under attack. And while there is nothing wrong with engaging in speculation, they have left out opposing views. Eight interviews, zero skeptics. Like a compelling Bigfoot or UFO documentary, they have stacked the deck to lead the audience to reach a particular conclusion. In this report, I will show how CBS News has ginned up this issue by engaging in deception by omission.