"No catercations this morn, save for MsF growling at LC." What would AL say about this?
After writing the above in an email (ending at “…LC." ), became curious as to what the Artificials might make of that sentence (“AL”, of course, being a possible misreading of “AI”—depending on the typeface)
First asked MsPerplexity "What does [inserted the above] mean?"
The search result discusses the lack of catering on a British Airways short-haul flight due to a diversion, but does not mention anything about "catercations" or "MsF growling at LC".
Without additional context or relevant information, I cannot provide a meaningful answer to this question.
This is a true answer, as far as it goes.
Then asked MrChatGPT (which takes a different approach and does *not* actively search the web, but which relies upon its stored data—now over two or three years old) which had a different (perhaps better) answer
So, the sentence likely means: "No altercations this morning, except for MsF growling at LC."
This suggests that there were no conflicts or arguments, except for a situation where MsF (presumably a person) was growling at LC (presumably another person)
This was entirely accurate, save that MsF and LC are catz, rather than persons. Well, as they are catz, perhaps MrChatGPT is correct in calling them “persons?”.
Find "Artificial Intelligence" endlessly fascinating, endlessly time-wasting.
Particularly when presented as “chat” bots—for the programs are not an Intelligence (at root being a computational statistical model which just picks the most probable word to follow those that have come before—with no understanding of meaning, or even of the meaning of “meaning”) and are thus not able to actually chat (an idle exchange of ideas with another Intelligence).
Even so, one often learns about both thinking and communicating from thoughtful reflection on the interactions one has with them.
MsPerplexity: https://www.perplexity.ai
MrChatGPT: https://chatgpt.com

(11,019 posts)SorellaLaBefana
(286 posts)1) Reviewing *short* blocks of computer code for possible improvement
and (what is fundamentally the same action)
2) Suggesting corrections to grammar—sadly, the ALs are not as fond as am i of em dashes, random commas, neologisms, underused words and nonStandard capitalisation .
My first exposure to what could be termed "AI" was the computerized interpretation of EKG tracings (tho at the time was simply called just that "computer interpretation" ). This has steadily improved over the decades, at first it was quite lame, now is almost always correct.
What is fascinating though is when CI either misses something entirely, or (as more oft the case) makes a wrong call. I find it fascinating to try to understand why the CI made the error that it did. Generally, sometimes after more than a little effort, I am able to do so and thus learn more about EKG interpretation myself.
(2,911 posts)I can respect your fascination.
I translated more to the second conclusion right off, but could have walked away with the first if I wasn't so possessed.
I fear AI not for its power, but I worry about it's Black Holeness.
Going there has no escape.
(113,131 posts)I have little idea what the OP is about and no idea about all the alphabet soup, which severely limits its readability.
FWIW, I can cope with a lot of molecular biology, which is pretty much all alphabet soup, but I only post translations here.
AI doesn't terrify me except when it's used to track and restrict human interaction the way it has been used in China. It's just another thing which will be a good servant and a terrible master, like governments, corporations... and molecular biology.